Chapter 1

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I was. He was shocked at first that I knew. He told me that he had known about my ability for awhile. He was going to take me when the time seemed most needed, but I convinced him that the time was now.

So he took me.

Now I'm sitting in front of an office of the highest ranked officer in the Omega compound. I can't believe my luck. He actually worked at Omega!

On the other side of the hallway sits another girl, and she doesn't look too happy to be here. She's sitting slouched with her arms crossed. Her power is...water. She can bend water. Blue waves flow throughout her body.

I have already looked around and nothing seems too crazy. It's a common office, a secretary sitting in the reception, and security guards outside the main doors. I think they're invisible, because my neighbor didn't even look at them when he walked me in. He told me he doesn't work here anymore, so I had to continue my journey inside alone.

"Aright," the girl sighs, her wavy brown hair deflates a bit, "I am positive I haven't seen you anywhere in here. Who are you?" Before I can think to respond she says, "What are you doing here anyway? The only people who sit in these chairs are here for discipline. You don't look much like someone who could get in trouble. I'm Trish, by the way."

"Zoey," I say softly.

"You're a quiet one aren't you?" I look down. I don't speak much because I like to observe, and listen. "That's okay, I like the quiet ones. So you're joining even though the admission trials have closed already?" I nod. "You must be really good to be accepted this late."

"Just lucky." Lucky my neighbor cares enough.

The office door beside me opens and Trish is called in, "Alright well, it's going to be lunch time by the time you get out, come find me. If you need a group I'd be happy if you joined mine. If you're good enough." She stands, leaving her sarcastic comment in the air. I notice she's moderately tall, and she has a nice figure. She walks into the office with her chin held high exuding false confidence.

I hear a little bit of yelling, but it's out of disappointment. She's been here before, multiple times. If she's a repeat offender, I shouldn't want to get involved with her. Oh well, I know where I can sit today at least. I'll try it out. The door opens and an older guy says, "I just want you to think about what you're doing."

"I am, and I don't care. I never fit in this stupid place anyway." Trish storms off.

The older guy sighs, then looks at me. "Are you Zoey?" I nod. "Come on in." He holds the door for me and I walk in.

Clearly he spends a lot of time in his office. Food trays scatter the trash can, and crumbs line his side of the desk. Papers are neatly arranged around the room, but there's so many stacks that it looks cluttered. He has an open filing cabinet in the right corner. He has a cup of pens on his desk, but he doesn't use them. They're for guests. I know this because he has one older looking pen near his main working station. That must be his important pen, since it's kept out of reach from everyone.

The room needs more light, but that's not his problem because there isn't a window, only a dim lamp that's already turned on. Maybe a light shade of paint, other than this dark blue, would help. "Amazing," the guy says.

I turn around, "Excuse me?"

"You look just like your mother when she first started, except for the hair." I look down and subconsciously touch my tight bun of almost white hair at the top of my head. "You look at everything, it's brilliant. You know what she told me when she first came into my office?" I shake my head, "That I should brighten up the room with a lighter shade of paint." He laughs, "I'm Mr. X. I'm the head of the Omega compound, and it is my job to ensure you are fit with a wonderful team."

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