Chapter 16

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 "And the Cobras win the fourteenth fight of this year! They'll move onto the next rounds with our other winning groups. Thank you all for coming out, and have a great night!" Mr. X speaks through the microphone. 

Beast and Trish start to get up as Shawn says, "We all knew Mac's team would win."

"The Cobras are a skilled team," Trish agrees. We exit the arena and start to head to our rooms. 

"Who are we fighting tomorrow?" I ask.

"They're called the Owls. They've got some rep," Beast replies.

"I've heard rumors that we can beat them, but it's going to be tough," Trish crosses her arms. "We aren't really known for our skill."

"Who fights before us?" I ask.

"The fifteenth fight is against Flintlocks and Pride," Beast looks down to meet my eyes, "Guess which one is Jack's team."

"Pride is something he's notorious for," I guess.

Beast nods, "Their fight will surely be exciting."

"The Flintlocks are good?"

"They are amazing, just like Owl's team," Trish says softly nodding her head at me.

"What exactly are we up against then? If we have a chance at winning then we can't be too far behind their skill," I argue.

"The Owls have a plant manipulator, a mind controller, and a flier. The only one that might stand a chance against the mind controller would be Shawn. She needs eye contact to work with her ability, and if he turns invisible then he might win. The plant manipulator is their best member. She can sense anything with her plants, so Shawn's out. Trish would just help her plants grow. I can't move around her plants, she grows them way too fast." We turn a hallway as Beast sighs.

"What about the flier? You can beat him, can't you?" Trish asks,

"Shawn can't get to him, he'll be in the sky the whole time. Trish and I might have a chance, but that would be our only win. They would get two matches and us one. We lose," Beast explains.

"What about me?" I ask.

The three look at me, "We don't want you to fight, we want to keep your ability a secret until we don't have a choice," Trish says.

"It's random though, you don't have a choice anyway."

"Mr. X changed the rules this year," Beast says, "If a group of four fights a group of three, then they get to choose which person they can sit out. We're sitting you out."

"Don't I have a say?"

"Sure, but it's three to one. You'll still lose."

"Guys come on," I complain. 

"Zoe, please understand. If a miracle happens and we do actually win, then you not having shown your powers will be even more of an advantage," Beast says. "Besides, do you really want to fight?"

"I think she does," Jack's cocky voice comes from the hall we just walked out of. I turn around and see him walking to us. "Is your power so freaky that your own team doesn't want to be associated with it? Wow, I can't think of any power that could scare someone's own group."

"We aren't scared of her, we just want to keep her power hidden. You'll see why when she does show it off. It's amazing," Trish speaks up for me.

Jack looks down to me, "What are you?"

He takes a step towards me and I back away. "You shouldn't ask that," Beast warns, "She's strong than you and me combined." Beast takes a step to stand a little in front of me.

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