Chapter 1:

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--Reader's POV--

You laid back in your small black chair behind the counter. The small silver bell above the glass door let out a quaint little ring as a man pushed his way in. You worked at a gas station downtown. It was called 'The Fill and Go'. It was a small supply store and gas station full or tools and stupid knick-knacks. He wore a long striped scarf, wrapped over his nose and cheeks. His eyes were like stones though, bright green and scanning the store like it was an inspection. You shivered in distaste. He looked cold and mean, letting off a cruel aura.
He strode past the counter where you sat, feet resting on the cool counter top. You cast your gaze down to the floor by your chair. He paused for only a moment, flicked his gaze to you quickly before walking away.
You picked your magazine up off of the floor.
Must've fallen off during my nap.
Flipping open the page you read a random article about weight loss, pondering over just how many magazines have this exact article stating the same dumb facts. You felt awkward suddenly. You'd chosen to ignore the man but now you felt the urge to look up, see what he's doing. Your hairs prickled in sudden dread for some reason, as if you were expecting some sort of ultimate doom.
Flicking up your (e/c) eyes, you searched for the man by the small drink section of the store, directly opposite of the exit. Your eyes instantly met with his own strikingly green ones. His eyes widened momentarily in surprise as if he hadn't expected you to look up and see him staring. He whipped his head quickly back to the cup he was holding, putting it under to pepsi faucet and filling the plastic container.
"Can I help you find anything, sir?" You asked from your place behind the counter. He jumped slightly at the sudden break in the silence.
"Uhm..." His voice was hoarse, as if he didn't talk often. He cleared his throat and continued, "No. But thank you."
You nodded slowly and went back to reading. About five minutes later he approached the counter, dropping a small red handled pocket knife and pack of cigarets on the counter, along with his pepsi.
You added up the total, and put out your hand for the cash.
"That will be eight dollars and fifty-nine cents, sir." You were surprised your voice hadn't cracked when you spoke though it did give out slightly in the end of your sentence. His gaze met your own as he handed you a ten dollar bill, placing it slowly in your hand before breaking away his gaze and letting go of the money.
"Here's your change." You offered the hand full of coins due to the lack of proper bills in the cash register.
His scarf moved as if he had smiled and his intense gaze met your own once more.
"Keep it." He was about to open the door when he turned his head ever slow slightly and grumbled, "Have a nice night ma'am."
Before he left he stopped to pull out a cigaret. Dropping his scarf he put the small object to his lips. Your eyes widened and you averted your gaze to not offend him.
Now I know whats up with the scarf thing...
His face was covered in messily stitched wounds. They ran from both corners of his mouth to his ears. He also had one running at an angle up one cheek to his nose and down the other side of his nose where it ended. You could see just the beginning of another scratch peaking out of his scarf and running up his pale neck. You only now noticed the same stitched scratches ran along parts of his hand and visible arm. He smirked at you, letting out a small snort before pushing his way out the door and letting a strong gust of icy air blow into the once warm and cozy shop. You grimaced and hugged your shoulders as the sleet started pouring down outside. Another person had entered the shop not long after the previous man and was slowly making their way to the counter. He was dressed in a white sweatshirt and black jeans and boots. He would have seemed normal had your sharp eyes not caught the small gleam of metal, tucked into his pants on his side. You slowly reached for the phone on the counter when he looked up at you. You wanted to scream but all that left your gaping mouth was a quiet gasp. His skin was white. Eyes, though glaring, still unnaturally wide and gleamed the same silver as his shining blade that had now emerged fulling from it's previous hiding spot. His mouth. It was the worst part. Split up the cheeks and to the ears in long red lines.
"Hello." He growled in a deep, throaty voice.
"I- where..." Your mouth dried out in fear and you had to struggle to stutter out your next words, "Where'd the other one of you go?"
You pictured the man who had just left. It only made sense that he was with this man somehow. Their mouth scars matched, though the brown haired man's scars where stiched.
If it was even possible, the man's eyes widened more before returning to a hatred filled glare. He lunged forward, grabbing you by the neck, knife kissing your soft flesh lightly.
"I don't know what you mean," He snarled, "Dear..."
"T-the other one!" You gasped, the knife digging deeper into your flesh with your rapid gasps, "The man with bro-"
The door to the shop opened, dinging the bell.
In stepping the man from earlier, his eyes narrowed like chips of ice, lips curled into a hate filled scowl.
"Hello Jeff."

[DISCONT.]The Hunter, And The Hunted ( Jeff the Killer x Reader x Homicidal Liu)Where stories live. Discover now