Chapter Three: Kiss Her

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Third. Thanks for making it this far. Hope you're loving reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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I stepped into the apartment with the newly-bought groceries.

The girl could send me to jail just like Diana had. I had been so worried with that thought and somehow, like all my worries did, it had rubbed off on Riley too. The sweet blond had a habit of carrying the weight of all my problems. I shut the door behind me then realised how quiet the apartment was.

I hurried to my room where the scent of Riley was strongest. What I saw had me stopping cold.

Riley sat on the edge of the bed and he leaned over the girl. There was no mistaking what they were about to do.


Which was strange because.... wasn't Riley gay? Or at least that was what he had told me.

They leaned in closer and suddenly I felt like an intruder-- and a pervert for how turned-on I got-- watching their tender moment.

Just as they were a breath closer, the girl looked up from Riley's lips into his eyes. Staring at him like he hung the moon. "Your name? What is it?" she whispered.

Riley did not seem to hear hear because instead of answering, he brushed his lips slowly against hers.

I wanted the moment photographed. Hell, I wanted it painted. Whatever it took to capture the sheer erotic beauty of it.

"Riley," my own voice cracked out. And just like that they sprung apart. The girl, gracefully surprised, and Riley well, he looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I-I-I," he stuttered, looking from me and her so fast, it was a wonder he did not break his neck.

The girl gave him an odd look, a look I'm sure I was giving him too. What was up with him? He was allowed to kiss whoever he wanted. I had no control over him. I was not his father. I shivered at that particular thought.

She turned to me. "Riley?"

I cleared my throat. "His name is Riley," I said stepping into the room. I looked at him and shook my head. "And usually he's a lot more...collected than this."

She smiled, but Riley turned a ghostly shade of white. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, running ot of the room, simultaneously avoiding eye contact with the both of us.

I turned back to find myself at the receiving end of the girl's odd look. "Boyfriend?" she asked.

I chuckled. "Nah. More like a brother." She was not the first person to ask me that. Even my mom squinted at us every so often. It was amusing sometimes, other times irritating, but most times......downright uncomfortable. I stepped up to her and held out my hand. "Dustin," I said, introducing myself.

She hesitated a second before stretching out her own hand. "Freya." And then she took my hand in hers.

To this day, I still insist I was shaken to my core.

Heat spread form her hand to mine, then through my arm before quickly spreading to the rest of my body. All too soon and closely behind it was a chill that I felt to my bones, then behind that, goosebumps....lots and lots of goosebumps. I jerked my hand away and stepped away. Further than was considered polite.

Freya was staring at her hand with a mixture of horror and disbelief. I would have found it a little cute if not for my own warring emotions. Was it lust that I felt so strongly for her? It felt like more that that.

"What was that," I demanded. "What are you?"

She simply shook her head. Slowly, as if she was afraid of the answer.

"Are you like a witch or something?" I asked.


"A fairy?"

She fixed me a stare that said I was insane. "Have you ever met a fairy?" she asked, raising her brow. "I lack the obvious--" she waved her hands about her,"--wings."


She shook her head. Then her face cleared and she became much more serious. Which only made her brown eyes more intense, and much more alluring. Funny, considering I had always thought Riley had the most beautiful eyes in the world. He had a strong competitor, if not a close second.

I shook my head and forced myself to pay attention.

"Does your alpha know you have me here?" she asked.


She nodded slowly.

I continued. "He's not my alpha. Riley and I....we're packless. We're here on business with the New York alpha. I presume he's the one you're running from." I took in her determined stare. "Why are you running from your pack?"

"This is not my pack!" she spat, venom dripping from her words. "I was kidnaped. From my home. My family. "

I sighed and run a hand through my hair. I was afraid she would say that. What she had said in the car had not been crazy rumblings then. This reminded me of something. "Why don't you heal like a normal shifter? Is that why they're chasing you?"

She frowned and gingerly touched the slowly healing wound on her temple. "I do heal like a normal shifter- much better actually." She run her hand over her neck, then the arm over her elbow absently. "They drugged me. It's messing with my shifter metabolism. I can't even stand on my feet." She wrinkled her nose. "I need a shower."

But I barely heard her. I was staring at her nose. I thought it was cute. Like a button. Unlike Riley's that was long straight and regal, hers was short and round, but in an adorable disarming way. Why was I comparing them anyway?

I caught the last of what she said and quickly looked away, trying fruitlessly not to think about her in the shower. "I can't help with that," I said raising, my hands.

She smiled a real genuine smile. "I wasn't asking you." Freya paused then, "You run me over?"

I was taken off-guard. The last question I expected her to ask, even though I did indeed run her over.

"It's okay. I wont press charges," she said quietly.

Suddenly I was in my mother's office as she told me she had had to pay Diana off to get me out of jail.

"It's your right," I said guardedly.

Freya raised her brow again. It wasn't as cute as before, but penetrative, like she could see right through me. I wanted to bolt.

"I know," she said seriously. She settled herself back into the pillows and closed her eyes, dismissing me.

But not before giving me one of her odd looks.

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