Chapter Thirty-Two: The Truth About Minnie

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"Remember when I told you that once mated, Sirens develop special powers?"

"And I asked if you'd be able to shoot fire?" Riley said, with growing enthusiasm.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly. "Well, I said they could only be passive powers like mind reading and super-empathy...."

They nodded too, listning intently.

"I was wrong."

"Wrong? How?" Dustin asked.

"Shhh. Let me finish. Look." I held my hands before them. I felt the familiar tingles I had been supressing for the past few weeks. They travelled all the way from my heart to my finger tips. I closed my eyes and concentrated. "It's stronger in the shower. You'll see why." I continued to focus on sending waves of energy to my fingers.

Then I had four gasps. I opened my eyes. Riley and Dustin both held their hands over thier mouths. How cute. And futher back at the house, Ethan and Everest gaped at my hands which were now encircled by blue electric currents.

"It's stronger when the both of you are nearby. I think it's because you're my true mates. Mating me is not necessary. I think the sheer fact that I've settled into a a life with the both of you is enough." I shook my hands and they went back to normal. "So the both of you please stop fighting. You're driving my wolf insane. Having two mates is really hard when you have to pick a side."

I had to, anyway. In my own way. I faced Riley. "Riley, Dustin needs to heal, at his own pace. You can't force these things. Okay?" When he nodded, I turned to Dustin. "Dustin, please understand where Riley's coming from. It's not easy to watch your mate love someone else. Okay?" Dustin gazed at Riley for a long time. Finally, he nodded his agreement.

"For what it's worth, Riley," he said. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Dustin."

"Now our new packmates. Are you willing to give them a chance, Riley?" I studied him intently.

He sighed. "Fine. If you two really trust them, that should be enough for me. It is, actually."

He took Dustin's hand, then mine, and walked us over to the twins. They watched us, both wary and relieved.

"The SwanLake Pack welcomes you," Riley told them solemnly.

Two swoon-worthy smiles flashed at us.

"Damn, those smiles," I muttered.

"Lethal weapons," Riley agreed.

"Uhuh." Dustin ushered the smirking twins into the house and away from his shameless mates. Maybe he should try to keep less attractive company, I mused to myself.

By dinner that night, Ethan and Everest had completely won over Marie. They were even talking business. Apparently Marie had always wanted to open a little cafe in town. SwanLake only had two restaurants, one of which was attached to a motel and a nightclub. Agnes was all for the idea and offered to front the business. They all refused of course-- pride and other emotions I knew nothing about stopping them.

Personally, I would have taken the money, but oh well.

"So, you two are from New York?" Minnie asked.

We were all sitting at the table, except for Marie who hovered over us like a watchful mother hen.

"Yeah," Everest answered between chews.

"Identical twins?"

"Is it not obvious?" Ethan mocked.

I kicked his shin, and he glared at me. He glanced around the kitchen and saw the disapproving looks from Agnes and Marie. Riley was grinning into a glass of water and Dustin was, as usual, detached from conversation.

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