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Everything was wrong. There wasn't anything spontaneous, no beauty, no sunlight. It was all the same. Kevin needed something new, his camera was running out of storage from photos taken again and again but nothing changed. He needed to leave the dreary city of Seattle. At first he thought moving there would be a bright idea, after all Capitol Hill was full of support and the most upbeat party forever. But it turns out after searching every corner and every fragment of the grey town, he was done. He needed to move, rain was getting nauseating to look at, the people were all the same, he could never see a sunset because of all the CLOUDS! He was so done. But he had nowhere else to go. 

After going back to his grey apartment he threw down his bag and went straight to the bay window in his living room. The window spanned the entire corner up and down, side to side. It had some panels colored orange, others blue and grey, and some just clear. Kevin angled the camera out of the orange panel closest to him. This was a warm up for him, if he couldn't think of anything new, he would sit at the window and randomly shoot. When he looked at the photo it was of two people walking hand in hand in a town painted orange.

 "LAME" Kevin shouted at the screen. He had seen this so much. Seattle gets really boring after a while, he concluded. He put down his camera on the grey blue cushions not even caring if it broke at this point. Kevin was completely exasperated. He was good at photography, he made a living selling this to people and entering some of his best in galleries. But life just seemed to be too boring at this point. 

A shower sounded great at this point. Just a way to release anger. He stepped into his bathroom looking at the mirror for a few moments glaring at himself and picking out all the things he wanted to change.

Kevin wanted to be a living work of art, he had thick rimmed glasses for no reason, bought plain clothing and gave it his own spark with accessories. He even contemplated shaving half of his head and replacing the hair with a tattoo. He stripped easily and turned the water on. Despite the absence of his head tattoo he did decide to get various other pictures in his skin. He had a small crescent moon on his wrist and decided to get a skull with flowers coming out of its mouth and eyes on his shoulder. 

The water ran over him calmly. He stood in the shower with no real reason to go or do anything. It was like losing hope, all of him drained with the water until there was nothing but a shell left. 

He would do anything to get out of this grey city. 

As the water started to turn cold he sighed and turned it off, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a grey towel. This just pissed him off. Everything was grey. He didn't even try to make his apartment colored. He stepped out of the bathroom and into his room, towel tied around his waist. He let the soft carpet tickle his feet, it felt good. Being clean and in a good house with no one. Then, he found a dark blue shirt mixed with black, tugging it on he loosened the towel after finding clean black jeans and pulling them up his muscular legs. Kevin may be a dainty gay (actually bi) photographer, but he loved to dance in his free time. Which was a lot because he had every day to himself. 

Kevin knew he was lonely. He tried to pretend he wasn't, but there was no way out. People just couldn't handle him. 

After making himself some coffee (it's like three pm) he sat back down at the bay window with a pamphlet of places good for photographing. He had looked at this many times, but today he was sure to remember all of the details. He got out his laptop and started researching some of the towns. 

Most of them were quite boring to Kevin. They all seemed so normal and just like the other places he had already been to. But suddenly, in the smallest corner something caught his eye. 

Beach City in small Times New Roman font was printed and an address of something was printed underneath another city Kevin couldn't care for. Immediately he was interested. He put down his coffee and looked up the name of the town, first he received pictures of people smiling on a colorful beach with the horizon blue as ever. 

It turns out Beach City was right next to Empire City. A place Kevin had come to know for many of his "friends" lived there. In three seconds Kevin was packing. 

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