What happens after Perfectly Arranged ends

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So my lovely Fan fiction Perfectly Arranged is actually coming to an end.
sad yes. But all things must eventually end.

My plans afterwards are interesting.

So I'm going to take a small break from writing Fan fiction books. My one shot will still be open for suggestions and stuff.

Reason why is I want to take some time to work on my own skills and style. I have my original stories that I love. The current one, Unknown Lands, needs my full attention soon to really work on it.
And other stories too. More original stories I've always wanted to write out.
I just can't do that with PruCan being my most popular fanfic. I want to give PruCan the ending it deserves unlike my previous stories with BS endings.
And yeah, I do have fan fictions planed to be made but I don't have the inspiration to do it.
So yes its ending but I'll be sure to end it Amazingly.

Also! If you aren't reading Unknown Lands: Ancient Ruins, perhaps give it a try! Well if you like fantasy video games with mages, knights and stuff.

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