Official Book Upload Schedules

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Okay so this is gonna be constantly updated depending on what books are being published.

Unknown Lands: Ancient Ruins (On break for editing until February 28th)
• Chapters will be published on the 28th of everything month.

All in One Shot & Crack Writing
• will be upload by random based on suggestions and requests. I can't think of good one shots. I need requests.

I Now Pronounce You, KiriBaku!
• Will be published every month on the 7th.

The only time I'll ever miss a upload will be for any of these reasons. No exceptions
° I'm sick enough to the point where I couldn't do anything to write or go on my phone/computer.
° I couldn't get on my phone/computer based on location.
° A natural disaster cause a blackout or internet or go down.
° If I need to stop for a time for my mental health.

If these happen to occur, I'll be sure to punish the chapter ASAP.

That's the update! See you readers around!

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