My Odd Hiatus

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Oof where to start this?

So I should say I'm officially a senior in highschool. And I have two writing courses so I'll be writing a lot outside of Wattpad. But it will help to be back in school, I write a lot with the free time I have.
Hopefully I can get more stuff done.... Heh.. 😅

As for my newest book Senior quotes. Yes that's what I'm going to use for my senior quote in the year book. I couldnt pick on so I'll make a bunch!
Idk. But it'll be updated every day I have school in the afternoon.

Last but not least the true reason of this chapter. The hiatus I'm on. It wont last forever. But its not truly over yet. I'm just in this writers block where I can't write a lot. I'm doing what i can to get past. There's a lot on my mind with creating. Soon I'll have things to post and you'll have tons to read and enjoy. Until then I'm slowly but surely working on the chapters of different stories.

Ses you around! Bye!!!

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