Taking the time for editing and revision.

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So I've come to the realization that Unknown Lands sucks. 

Like not in the way that it's a bad story with a bad plot!

it's just that, the first arch in the story is very low quality. And i honestly had no clue what I was doing then. Part of me wants to rewrite it. However, I'm afraid of making things worst. This changed because now I've become inspired to make the start of the story as good as the current chapters.

Of course that does mean I'll have to unpublish and rewrite the chapters.  I'll be sure to let your know when because i do have to figure out how I'm going to fix it and it still make sense with the main story. 

As for Chapter 16... I won't be publishing it tomorrow(January 28th). 

I'll just put the notice out tomorrow and Unknown Lands will be returning Shortly afterwards. 

Basically after rewriting I'll post all the chapters like two chapters a day until i caught up to chapter 16. And then I'll be back to the original schedule.  

I'm sorry for those who have read Unknown Lands. I just wanna make it the best it can be. 

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