Crack! and One-Shot

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So as many of you know. I have a crack writing book and a One shot book.

They both hold different purposes.

All in one shot is my one shot book thst im test out writing different ships or differrnt prompts. But it also has request open cause I'm indecisive.
I haven't updated it in a long time cause I had nothing for it. But I want to write one shots again on my free time. Especially since I don't have a main fanfic to worry about soon.

As for Crack writing! That book lost it's purpose from the start because of me. I no longer post the drafts on there cause it wasn't any good. But I didn't keep any crack one shot on there.
In fact I updated a new chapter of tododeku crack!
Still I want to write more crack on shots cause their fun and dont require a lot of work.

So everyone from now on I'm gonna be working on one shots both crack and normal whenever.
If you want to read them. Go ahead!

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