Chapter 16: Caleb

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She said yes.....she actually said yes. I can now spend the rest of my life with my beautiful wife and children. My wolf was howling with joy. 

I picked her up and twirled around with her in my arms. She laughed and held onto my shoulder. When I brought her down and let go, she jumped into them again and kissed me hard. 

"Love you so much." I said after we pulled apart. 

"I love you too" She said. I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to the car. 

We drove over to the house and we got out. Camille and her mom immediately came up to us asking how it went.

Allie blushed and held up her hand with the ring on it. They all squealed and did a group hug.

Her dad came up and shook my hand and congratulated us. We all went inside where her mom had made us a cake and we ate. 

That night I slept soundly with my beautiful fiancé and mate snuggled up next to me. 


The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked over to see Allie still asleep. I picked up the phone. 


"Caleb, its Damian. We have a rogue issue over here. I've sent the jet over there. We need you here buddy, I can't do this alone, especially with Kaitlyn visiting her sister."

"Ok, do you know what time the jet will be here?"

"It should arrive around noon. I just sent it to get you guys. Be ready to go when it gets there." 

"Alright I will see you soon. Don't worry, we will handle this together." I hung up and looked over to see Allie beginning to wake up. I pulled her into my arms as her eyes fluttered open. 

"Good morning." She said sleepily. 

"Morning, my beautiful fiancé. I got to talk to you about something but lets get some coffee first." She nodded and got up to get dressed. 

I unplugged our phones and pulled don some black jeans and a white T-shirt. She same out in a tank top and leggings. I gave her, her phone and we headed downstairs. When we got there, Camille was playing with Chris and Allie's parents were making breakfast. 

"Good Morning you two!" Her mom said cheerfully. She handed us both plates of eggs and bacon. 

We grabbed some coffee and sat down to eat. 

"So what did you want to talk about." She asked. 

"Well there seems to be a rogue issue back home. Damian has already sent the jet to get us, but I want you and Chris to stay here, where it's safer."

She looked at me with an unreadable expression. "I'm coming too. Chris will stay here but I am coming with you."

My wolf growled in my head at the thought of her possibly getting hurt. "No. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. Plus you are pregnant, and I will not put my mated child at risk." I covered her hand with mine. 

"And I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. Plus, isn't Kaitlyn gone to her sister's The pack will need a female leader to help with children and elderly." 

She had a point. With the Luna away, she was next up to take the roles and responsibilities of female leadership being the beta- female.

"Ok. I understand. Just, please don't get hurt and if you see trouble run the other way." I said putting my arm around her waist. 

"Same to you." She said as she leaned in and pecked me on the lips. 

"EWWW! Mommy's giving daddy cooties!" Chris yelled covering his eyes. 

We all laughed. After breakfast we told her parents the plan and they were glad to watch Chris for  few days while we were away. 

We began to pack up our stuff and waved goodbye to Chris before getting into the car. He had run up and hugged Allie and wouldn't budge. It took her dad and two other pack warriors to pry him off of her. Such a mama's boy. 

We got on the plane at 12:30 and were off to the pack. While on the plane Allie and I snuggled and watched a movie together. Halfway through I looked next to me and saw she was fast asleep. 

I switched off the TV and moved her into my lap where she snuggled into my chest. "Mmmm" She made the cutest noise. I smiled and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 




I woke to Allie waking me up. "Hi baby, we're here." She said.

I looked out the window to see that we had in fact landed. 

"Oh, thank you. Let's get going. the sooner we are in the pack house the better." 

She looked at me confused. "What about our house." 

"Damian said it would be safe to stay with the pack. Safety in numbers and also we Ould be closer if there was an attack." 

She nodded and stood up to start grabbing our luggage. When we got off the plane, Damian came up and hugged us. 

"Welcome back. I'll drive you guys to the pack house." He said smiling. Then he frowned and sniffed the air. He looked at Allie and smiled. "Congrats you two!" He said hugging us again. 

Her scent has definitely changed due to the pregnancy but she still smelled like herself. I put my arm around her shoulder as Damian led us to the car. 

We drove over to the pack house and once we got out one of the patrollers came running up to us. "Beta, Alpha, and Beta-female! Three rogues were caught at the west border. We have brought them to the cells."

"Thank you Malcolm." Damian said. "Allie would you like to stay here or come with us?"

"Seeing as Kaitlyn isn't here I think I should come. I want to be informed on the whole situation." she replied. 

I smiled thinking how much her wolf and her have accepted their role and have become a strong leader. however, my wolf didn't like the fact that she would be so close to the threat. 

We walked down the cold cells and I noticed Allie shiver. I pulled her into me to keep her warm and she curled into my side. We came to a stop in front of three cells. Each one was holding a rogue, and each had shifted into their wolf. 

"SHIFT!" Damian yelled. They flinched and reluctantly shifted. The second one sniffed the air and looked at Allie. 

"Master will not be pleased with this." He said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked pushing her behind me. 

"Why should we tell you?" the first said. Damian and I both growled and so did the guards not liking the disrespect. 

I looked at each of them and noticed they all had marks. Meaning they had mates. I mind linked Damian telling him and he looked at me and nodded. 

"If you don't tell us we will track down your mates and torture and kill them while you watch." Damian said. They looked at each other with fear and nodded. 

"We have a master who is has two sons. He himself is looking for mates for both, and has chosen your Luna and beta-female. But now she is pregnant. He will not be happy." The third said. 

Damian growled. "Guards! Get on the phone and call the Luna I will be there to talk to her in a minute!" He growled and one of them ran out get the phone. They have not completed the mating process and she is not officially part of the pack yet so they cannot mind link.

I growled to myself and picked up Allie bridal style and carried her to our room trying to calm my wolf.

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