Chapter 5: She Came Back...

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???: Hey, baby, did you miss me?

Jimin: It's you....


Jimin: So-young? W-what are you doing here?

So-young: I'm glad you asked, I'm here for one reason and one reason only.... for you.

Jimin: Me?

So-young: Yes you silly! Why else would I fly all the way from New Zealand to Korea for?

Jimin: So-young..

So-young: Shh!! Let's just enjoy this moment.

Jimin: So-young, I can't I have a girlfriend

So-young: Of course you do, it's me..

Jimin: Actually....

*Just then you walked out of the theater room and spotted Jimin*

Y/N: Jimin, what's taking you so long? Who is this?

Jimin: Y/N, this is So-young. An old friend of mine. So-young, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.

So-young: Oh, so your the famous Y/N. It's so nice to meet you. *she looked at you from head to toe, just trying to find some flaws in you*

Y/N: Yeah, it's really nice to meet you too, I guess? Jimin? Shall we get going?

Jimin: Yeah, um So-young it was real-

So-young: Hold that thought, I have to take this phone call, it won't be more than a minute.

*So-young left to take the call*

Y/N: Jimin, you never told me about So-young.

Jimin: I forgot about her, it was a long time ago Y/N.

Y/N: Oh, where does she live?

Jimin: New Zealand, she is here to visit.

Y/N: Oh really? Who?

Jimin: (he hesitated before speaking) Me apparently.

Y/N: You? For what?

Jimin: Old times sake, I guess.

*So-young looked over to you guys and smiled*

*You guys smile awkwardly back at her*

Y/N: Jimin, I don't like this girl very much. I'm not getting a good vibe.

Jimin: Y/N, just calm down, I'm sure she just came to visit some old friends.

*So-young ended her call and returned to where you can Jimin were standing.*

So-young: Well, I would love to stay and chat but I should really get going.

Jimin: Yeah, we should leave as well, it was nice seeing you again.

Y/N: Yeah, it was nice meeting you So-young, have a nice evening! Annyeong! I hope we see each other again and get to know one another.

So-young: Yeah, me too. Well gotta run!

*The 3 of you left the awkward chat and returned to your destined places. But before So-young left, she turned around to watch you guys leave the theater*

So-young: Oh yes, Mrs. Y/N, we will see each other again very soon. Enjoy your time with Jimin, because it won't last long! 


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