Chapter 1

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Maybe this was a bad idea. Fuck, it actually was a horrible idea.

I smacked my forehead and cursed at myself. "Why didn't I take the warnings? Why didn't I turn back?", I looked around when I heard nails claw at the wall and the sound of feathers. "And WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?"

I shone the flashlight around the house, looking for the demon in this place. I felt a gentle, icy hand touch my shoulder, making the room drop temperature. I heard a muffled growl as a knife scraped the walls. By far, this was the worst night of my life.


"Are you sure you want to live here? I heard it's really haunted", the Realtor said as he looked around the house. "After all, there has been murders here"

I scoffed. "I came to find a place to live", I said as I looked at all the furniture that was wrapped in white tarps. "Not listen to scary stories"

"Right". He looked at me nervously. "If you make it out alive, tell NOBODY I let you stay in here", he said in serious tone.

"Uh alright?", I agreed, confusion in my voice. I really was confused and if this was the real deal, I would haul ass and move out of here.

There was a sudden creak and thud upstairs, a gray mouse quickly scurrying down the stairs. The Realtor looked sick, but I, however, didn't think of it much. This was an old house after all and maybe something got in through a window, which was the least of my worries.

He then reached into his pockets quickly as he shakily brought out a key chain, handing it out to me. I took them and walked into the living room, spinning the keys around my finger.

"Hope you stay safe. Goodbye", the Realtor said as he quickly shuffled towards the door, leaving the house premises immediately.

I wached through the window as his car sped away down the street. It was deadly silent as I heard my breathing. I stuffed the keys into my pants pocket, feeling something in my pocket that wasn't there before. I pulled it out to find a leather and twine necklace that was bare. At the end was a polished wooden cross with one red bead held in place by two thick knots. Through a hole was a tag bound by a plastic ring.

I looked at the tag with full confusion. In black letters, I read them before thinking it was bullshit.

Wear this. He hates crosses

I only scoffed as I stuffed it back into my pocket. I walked through the house, exploring the place. The living room was lit by the bare window, the drapes torn down and laid across the couch. The tarps were stained brown with dirt as black mold formed on the spots that weren't covered. The ceiling was a pale white with touches of gray, tearing apart as mold ate away the wood from above. There was a large hole that revealed darkness, pipes leaking onto the dark wooden floors. The dust was thick in the atmosphere, making me cough and wave away the particles.

I moved on towards the dining room and kitchen. It was worse and less lit. The curtains were red and torn with small claw marks like an animal was scratching them. The dusty blue paint on the walls were peeling away, showing the raw brown of the wood that remained underneath. Dark spots lay on the floor from moisture by the pipes on the ceiling. The carpet was dirty and molded everywhere, stiffened against the wooden planks. Garbage was scattered everywhere as dirty dishes lay in the sink, untouched as the faucet remained rusted. The cabinet doors were taken off and set in a pile beside the counters.

It stayed eerily quiet, no life at all around the property. The trees were leafless and the grass was growing long and free. No birds sang, leaving the air dead and lifeless. Weeds seeped through the backdoor into the house, making an indent of the door corner. The window was cracked and stained with dirt spots, making it unclear to look out of.

"I've got some work to do", I mumbled to myself as I shoved my hands into my pockets.

I went through a hallway of the first floor, looking at the cracked photo frames. There was doors on either sides of the hall, the white paint peeling away. The first door looked dirty. There was marks carved into the wood though one in particular was weird. There was a name carved into the door with many other marks surrounding it.


There was a red pet's bowl outside the door. I picked it up and it had a name printed in thin, black letters. Ringo. I felt a sudden painful shock as I dropped the bowl. There was a loud shuffle from beyond the door and a faint moan. I grabbed the door knob and started twisting it. The knob didn't budge as I tried to open it. I kicked the door and it swung open with a scream and a bang, the wall stopping it from going further. I walked in immediately.

I covered my mouth as a gross smell was in the room. I coughed from the dust that wafted through the open space. The room was lit with orange and blue from the outside. The window was dirty and cracked like the other windows in the room. I looked at the covered bed, the frame taken apart and leaning against the light green painted wall. A separate tarp lay across a small lump that had flies surrounding it.

I walked over to it and nudged it with my foot, flies flying off the tarp. It lay limp as I bent down and grabbed the tarp corner. I lifted it up and a blast of flies and the same rotting smell intensified. I squinted my eyes and covered my nose and mouth. I looked at the deceased, rotting cat that lay before me.

"God, what happened to you?", I say as I looked at it.

The black fur was falling off onto the floor as maggots fed on the corpse. There was blood crusted around the mouth and eyes as it lay stiff and thin. The skin was torn apart as the eyes were guaged out from the sockets, maggots and flies swarming in and out from the body. The tail was ripped off as the scarlet liquid crusted and stained the dark floor. White foam was formed on the mouth, like it had rabies or something. I almost vomited and I put the tarp over the body again, trying to shake out the sight of the dead animal.

I stood up when I saw a mini fridge beside the nightstand. I grabbed the handle and tugged it. There was bottles and cans of Coca-Cola from inside the fridge. They were in there for years, I suppose. I closed the door and saw a picture frame that lay faced down on the nightstand. I picked it up and saw a photo of a guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and a green hoodie, smiling as he held the same cat in the room in his arms. I looked to see neat handwriting on the corners.

Ringo and Edd, 1999

I set the picture down when I heard a rustle and faint feet pattern the halls. I looked to see the door start to close slightly and the tarp that covered where the animal lay.

Though the animal was gone.

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