Chap. 5 ~ Colours

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Today has been one of the weirdest days of my life.

My expectations for Hogwarts were high, and I was quickly dissapointed. History of magic was boring enough to lull half the class to sleep. I didn't even have Toby or Jensen with me to make the whole thing humorous, as I'm sure they would have made it.

The Professor was a ghost, a very old ghost at that. Half of the class he slept, and the other half his words were jumbled and barely audible. Call me over dramatic, but my heart shattered. Did Hogwarts let it self go after the war?

My next class, Defense Against the Dark Arts, lifted my spirits. The teacher is geeky, which just makes his teaching fun. Plus, he is hot. I'm not saying he is just okay, I'm saying he is hotter then Professor Hotbottom. Though maybe that's a matter of opinion.

We didn't do any practical work, but I look forward when we do.

The rest of the day dragged on, students milled about, teachers droned on about this and that.

By the end of the day, I was quite tired.

Toby and Jensen were only in half of my classes today.

Which forced me to try an meet new people. Apparently, the groups are already pretty tight knit by third year. At one point, Toby and Jensen are going to be talking about something they did together, and I won't understand a word, because they have been friends for three years!

I'm going to need an axe to get into any friend group.

I don't stand a chance.

While all these thoughts buzz about in my head, my good mood is steadily declining. I trudge through the halls of Hogwarts, trying to find the Great Hall.

"Why don't you people hand out maps?!" I shout into the empty hall. Seriously, does Professor McGonagal not know how big this place is?

I look to my left to see a tunnel that was defiantly not there a second ago. Instead of walking away from the mysterious random tunnel like a normal person, I decide to venture into it. The ceiling almost reaches my head. If I stood on my tippy toes, my head would skim the smooth marble.

I doubt Hogwarts has anything really dangerous within it, still I turn every corner with caution. This place gives me the creeps.

I walk along the tunnel for what seems like forever, until finally I spot light up ahead. I reach the end to find the giant doors to the Great Hall. After I pat the tunnel as a goodbye, it disappears.

Thank you, Hogwarts.

I go to pull open one of the doors, but they stay firmly shut. Unprepared for this, my hand slips, and I accidentally hit myself square in the stomach.

I'm momentarily winded. Mostly out of embarrassment.

"It's a push, apparently." I mumble to myself. Luckily no one is around, so I stand up a bit taller, and push the door open.

I walk to the Slytherin table without so much as a glance around the hall, to hungry to care.

I pick the end of the table to sit, considering it's the middle of the feast and everywhere else is full.

The table is laden with mounds of food. Now, I'm all for eating your own bodyweight in one sitting, but there is no way we eat all this food.

Where does it go afterwords?

I shake my head slightly before dishing myself some pasta.

A mere second after I put the first - rather large - bite in my mouth, a shadow comes over my plate in the form of two large bodies. I turn around to see Toby and Jensen.

Now that I have noticed them, they both make there way to the other side of the table.

"When did you have time to dye your hair?" I shovel another bite in my mouth, and then look up, expecting to see Jensen with green hair. I'm disappointed when I see the same old brown he was sporting this morning.

"It just turned green!" Toby exclaims, pointing at me.

"What?" I roll my eyes, grabbing a handful of the bottom of my hair and bringing it in front of my face. It is, in fact, a different color. Green.

"Oh, my hair is green." I laugh. Because what else am I supposed to do?

Someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around to see Professor Gwendolyn.

"I couldn't help but see your hair. It changed colors by itself. Can you meet me in my office after dinner?"

I nod. She leaves.

"What do you think she wants?" I ask Toby and Jensen. Jensen shrugs, Toby says, "who knows."


I pace the hall in front of Professor Gwendolyn's office, wondering what she wants.

Will she just explain what the hell is going on? I mentally face palm. I need to man up, stop acting like a little child. Fake confidince until I have confidence.

I knock on the door several times. "Come in." Professor Gwen calls from inside. Upon entering, Professor Gwen invites me to sit down. "I wanted to talk to you about your hair. Have you ever done somthing like that before?" She asks. It isn't a voice of concern, but interest. I don't even have to ponder the question. If I had, I would't doubt I was a witch for one second. Changing your hair is not somthing a muggle could do without a trip to the salon. "Could you try and change it again?" She asks, peering at me through her glasses.

I scrunch up my eyebrows, close my eyes, and think blue. Blue, blue, blue!

Professor Gwen lets out a shriek of surprise, and what I think is excitment. I open my eyes again, pick a peice of my hair, to see it is as blue as the sky. "My dear," Professor Gwen exclaims, " I believe you are a metamorphmagus!"

"Ooh! My grandmother was one! My mum told me all about it." I jump out of my seat and dash to the long mirror, now excited.

Hair that reaches my feet,

Red eyes,

Very pale skin.

As soon as I think it, it happens. I giggle like a school girl.

This is awesome! Think of all ways I could freak people out.

Then I get the best idea that anyone has ever gotten...

"Professor, thank you so much, but I really have to go!" I shout over my shoulder before closing the door. I hear a faint chuckle behind the door before I sprint off.

I laugh escapes my lips as the plan comes together.

Jensen and Toby will piss themselves.

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