Life of Amalia » Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten : Are you happy?

Kate had invited Meghan and I over for lunch. Lately, I've been feeling little icky and supertired. I just couldn't explain it.

"Amalia, what's going on? How are you feeling?" Kate asked.

"I feel so sluggish and bloated. I even had to take a seat in the shower after a hard workout or walking up the stairs." I answered.

"Are you pregnant?" Kate asked.

"No, I don't think I'm pregnant." I said.

"Maybe you're just tired. Get some sleep." Meghan said.

"Yeah, maybe." I said.

"I think you should take a pregnancy test here so you can sure." Kate said.

"Okay, fine." I said.

I went to the bathroom and I took two tests and I waited five minutes. I set up a timer and waited.

The timer went off and I walked up to the two tests on the counter and saw two positive signs.

"Kate! Meghan!" I yelled calling my sisters in law to come to the bathroom.

Meghan walked and asked "What?"

I saw her the pregnancy test between my perfectly manicured claws are two little pink lines.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

"What, are you serious?" Meghan asked.

"Yes, I'm pregnant! I'm super nervous, but really excited. There's a million emotions going on in my brain." I said passing the test along to her, I closed my eyes and waited for Kate and Meghan's reaction.

"It's positive." Kate said.

"This is good

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"This is good." Meghan reassured her.

"So it's certain that I am." I said."Maybe, you guys should take one so I know for certain these things are accurate." I said.

"Or just go to the doctor." Kate said.

In the morning, Amalia set up an appointment for the following day. She went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them. Thinking of a way to get Miguel to go to the appointment with her. Miguel walked through the door.

"Good morning, How are you?" she asked him.

"I'm good, I should be asking you that?" He said.

"Is something wrong?" she asked him, confused.

"Why were you up so late?" He asked.

Amalia looked at him with alarmed eyes and blinked a couple of times.

"Why do you ask?" She asked.

"Cause I know you stay up when something is either bothering you or you know a secret." He said.

"It's nothing." Amalia said.

"Amalia don't lie to me." He said.

"Okay fine...I think I'm pregnant." she replied.

"How long have you been thinking that you're pregnant?" he asked

"Since the wedding but last night, I took a test with Kate and Meghan." Amalia said.

"Are you sure?" Miguel asked.

"There's a chance that I might not be pregnant but I've made an appointment for tomorrow." She replied and Miguel looked at her.

Miguel took Amalia in his arms and said soothing words to her. "It's alright, I'm coming with you tomorrow to the doctor." He said and she nodded, nesting herself in his arms.

"Okay." She said.

Amalia and Miguel drove to the her doctor's clinic, which was located in Windsor.

Amalia and Miguel waited for her to be called, which took about ten minutes. The door of the consultation room opened, revealing a short, middle aged woman, with blonde hair and kind brown eyes.

"Amalia, you may come in." said the woman. Amalia and Miguel stood up and walked into the office together.

"Hello, I'm doctor Regina Brown. It's a pleasure to meet you." Regina said shaking his hand.

"Likewise." he said and she nodded. "Please, have a seat." she continued and they sat in the chairs in front of her.

"Well, Amalia, you've briefed me about your suspicions but I'd like more details." said Regina.

"As I told you before, I took two different home pregnancy tests and they confirmed the pregnancy." said Amalia.

"Tests are often inaccurate but to be sure, I'm going to ask for a blood test. Have you experienced any symptoms?" she asked Amalia as she took notes.

"Some bloating and a bit of tenderness yes, specially when I tried to take a shower or walk up and down the stairs." Amalia said and Regina took notes.

"You're most likely pregnant. But with the blood test we will be certain." Regina said and Amalia nodded.

"Thank you, Regina." Amalia said giving the woman a quick hug. Miguel shook hands with her and thanked the doctor.

I gave her a urine and blood sample. I was just waiting for the results back and I laid back. Just when I was about to fall asleep the doctor walked in.

"Well, is it good news?" I asked.

"Yes, you are expecting." she said smiling.

I wiped the tears away and she put the cold gel on my belly. I saw the baby on the screen and was smiling.

"Well, you're three months along. Almost three, You will be officially be in three weeks and the baby looks healthy." Dr. Brown said.

"Almost three months." Miguel said.

"We're having a baby." I said tearing up.

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