Life of Amalia » Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Miguel's dream come true

~A year and half later~

My wife, the people’s Queen, and I had long been over tired from flying back and forth from various locations in the span of two weeks. We had been on route to a formal state visit dinner. She was wearing a stunning light blue gown, staring out the window, struggling to keep awake.

“Darling, if you don’t feel up to it, I can just go by myself.” I suggested rubbing her thigh gently.

“Not a chance.” Amalia said as she smiled.

I laughed.

“This dinner won’t last incredibly long will it?” Amalia asked.

“It shouldn’t, why?” I ask, growing a bit concerned.

The car slows down to park, I hear the driver coming along to our doors to open them for us.

Her door opens first.

I gently grab her hand to stop her getting out of the car.

“Love, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“I promise, I’ll tell you in a more appropriate time.” She responds.

I get out of the car, reluctantly and curious as to what she couldn’t tell me.

The night continues to go as a usual routine: some professional photos taken, meet and greet with other royal members, a speech from myself and everyone asking when will we have more kids.

We sat down to enjoy our meal, I notice she didn’t have wine like she normally does. I began to get my hopes up a bit, she always laughs at how much I wanted more kids and my heart skips a beat if she doesn’t drink a certain night or feels nauseous. I leaned in for a whisper, “Will you please tell me what is wrong with you? It really is driving me insane.” I said.

She giggles.

“I promise I’ll tell you when we get home.” Amalia said.

“Okay.” I say, pecking her cheek.

The dinner couldn’t have gone slower, I felt like they were purposely dragging on this event. The curiosity was killing me, and she was enjoying watching me grow antsy. She did a good job at hiding her excitement- much better than I am.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally arrive home and like clock work, my adorable wife takes off her heels and heads straight to our 1 and half years old daughter, Antonia's bedroom and gives her a kiss on the forehead and places her blanket on her and goes straight to our bedrooom to change into her sweats. I lay on the bed, undoing my tie and top buttons. I close my eyes for a moment and feel her lay on top of me, I smirk, “Baby, I’m too tired tonight.” I say with regret.

“Keep your eyes closed. I promise it’ll be worth it.” Amalia said.

I do as she says.

“Hold out your hands.” She said.

I continue to follow her instructions, and feel a light box be placed in my hands.

“Open your eyes, dear.” Amalia said.

I open them and are confused by the box.

“What is this?” I chuckle.

“Just open it.” She pushes.

I do as she says again, and see a positive pregnancy test and a sonogram. My heart drops then beats what felt like a million times. I couldn’t control my eyes watering with joy and smiling ear to ear; I grab the love of my wife as tight as I could and kiss her.

“You’re pregnant?!” I exclaimed.

She laughs at the stupid face I was making.

“Yes! I’m so excited.” Amalia said.

“I can’t believe this- how far along are you?”

"I'm fourteen weeks." She answered.

I blush and lay back on the bed, she lays next to me.

“I hope its another girl.” I admit.

“Really?” Amalia asked.

“Yeah.” I admit.

"Then what should we name our baby girl?" She asked.

We spent the rest of our night discussing all the possible names and looking up cute baby clothes. They are right, having kids changes you, makes you more of a softer and gentle soul. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with the woman who I love and our beautiful children.

My dreams of finding a woman who I care about and love along with becoming a dad are all came true.

We were going to be a family of four now.

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