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 "What the shit is this Cecilia?" Wade muttered to himself as he looked over my shoulder at my homework.

"Algebra." I said indifferently as I finished the last set of problems "Not my favorite thing in the world, but it's better than calculus."

"Well do you want to take a break? Maybe actually eat something and be a kid for like five seconds."

"As soon as I finish this English homework. It's my last packet and then I'll have finished all the homework Annie gave me."

"What's the homework?" Wade asked curiously as I frowned over the papers.

"I have to write two paragraphs about a person who accomplished their goals through hard work and determination. Do you know anyone like that?" Wade gasped and dropped to his knees in front of me.

"You just described my first movie!" he said excitedly. I looked up at him in confusion.

"You had a movie?" I asked slowly.

"Hush child!" Wade said, covering my mouth with his hand "You're too young to know about the fourth wall."

"Um... OK? Anyway, you can help me with this paper?"

"Oh, right!" Wade exclaimed, settling himself on the couch "Get ready for an epic tale of love, war, and shit I can't tell you until you're twenty one."

"Sounds cool!" I said with a grin, looking up at him "Where does the story start?"

"It all began when I was looking for a two-hundred pound sack of asshole named Francis."

"And that's how I became Deadpool and helped save a shit ton of lives!" I blinked and didn't say anything, still trying to absorb Wade's story.

"Do you know how much editing I'm about to do in an effort to make this school appropriate?" I asked tiredly.

"Did it complete the packet or not?" Wade asked teasingly.

"Shut up Douchepool." Wade gasped in offense and backpedaled away from me. "What?" I asked with a smirk "Aren't you proud I paid attention to your story?"

One," he exclaimed "that language is highly vulgar and not to be used by an innocent child such as yourself. Two, yes I'm very proud of you Cecilia, but don't tell your dad."

"Yeah, I didn't plan on it." I said through my laughter. After ten more minutes of editing, I managed to make Wade's gruesome tale into a school appropriate story.

"Do you want to eat?" Wade asked as I tucked my school work in my backpack.


"Not to brag or anything, but this macaroni is the best f-"

"Don't say it Wade!" Wade laughed quietly but refrained from cussing "And yes, the macaroni is amazing."

"Thank you." Wade said proudly as he took my empty bowl and headed to the kitchen "Do you want some dessert, or is it time for bed?"

"Normally I'd say dessert, but I promised my dad I'd be responsible. That means I have to go to sleep." Wade sighed heavily and sat on the couch as I curled up under my blankets.

"Do I need to do anything to make you go to sleep?" Wade asked tentatively. I shrugged and looked up at him sadly.

"I'll be fine." I mumbled.

"Well you look like a depressed little puppy." I stuck my tongue out at him, prompting him to chuckle softly.

"I just miss my dad." I whispered, hugging my knees to my chest. Wade patted my head, and I nervously crawled over to him and sat on his lap. He carefully held me in a hug as I started to drift off to sleep.

"Your dad will be back soon." he said quietly "Until then, I'll tell you another story about how I helped a taxi driver find true love."

"Sounds fun."

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