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"Cecilia? Wake up Doll. I made breakfast, actually, Steve did, but I helped." I moaned and burrowed deeper under the covers, not wanting to get up. "Come on Kid!" Bucky protested "You can't sleep all day!"

"Watch me." I mumbled. I felt the bed dip under Bucky's weight and then I squealed when he started tickling me. "Papa no!" I shrieked, struggling to get free. Bucky laughed and finally stopped before pulling me into a hug.

"At least you're awake." he teased as he stood and picked me up. I made a face at him before resting my head on his shoulder. Bucky kissed my forehead before carrying me into the kitchen where Steve was waiting.

"Look who's finally up." Steve said playfully as Bucky set me on the counter and handed me a plate of pancakes that were practically drowning in syrup. I happily ate them while Steve and Bucky chatted aimlessly.

"Hey, Doll?" I looked up from my breakfast at Bucky who watching me with a sad smile "You were talking in your sleep last night." he said gently "It sounded like you were having a nightmare." I shrugged wordlessly as I stared at him.

"I don't remember anything." I said truthfully "I promise, I don't" Bucky ruffled my hair as I tried to remember any part of a dream I may have had.

"It's OK Doll." Bucky said softly "If you can't remember, then don't worry about it." I nodded silently and continued to eat my pancakes.

"So what are you two going to do today?" Steve asked with a smile.

"Well first, Kiddo here is going to study for a while until she's sure that she knows the information." I rolled my eyes and Bucky sent a stern look my way. "Studying is important Cecilia." he said firmly "You know that."

"Yes sir." I muttered. Bucky chuckled softly and gave me a small hug before helping me off the counter and walking with me to the couch. He handed me the study packet and watched me.

"If you need to take a break, tell me." he said quietly "But I want you to study for a good ten minutes, at least."

"Fine." I said, opening the packet to where we had left off. Bucky kissed the top of my head as he stood up.

"I love you Kid." he said gently.

"I love you too Papa."

Bucky's POV

"How's she doing?" Steve asked as I walked back into the kitchen. I sighed and took the plate of pancakes he handed me.

"Pissed that she has to study, but I think she understands. She's a good kid." I said with a smile "But she's so stubborn!"

"Probably gets it from her old man." Steve said thoughtfully. I looked at Steve curiously.

"How do you know if her dad was stubborn?" I asked. Steve laughed and turned to face me.

"I was talking about you Buck." I rolled my eyes as I finished my breakfast.

"You do know that I'm not her actual father, right?" I said with a small smile "She doesn't act or even look like me." Steve stared at me before grabbing my arm and dragging me to just outside the living room where we could see Cecilia.

"Look at her." Steve said "See that face she makes when she reads? That's the same face you made when we studied as kids." I chuckled softly, but watched Cecilia nonetheless. Her face was scrunched up and she was silently mouthing what she was reading. "She may not be your kid," Steve muttered "but she sure as hell acts like it." I smiled slightly and turned to face Steve.

"I'm not sure the world's ready for another me." I said with a smirk. Steve laughed and looked from me to Cecilia.

"Well the world can get over themselves because I'm happy that there's another you." he teased

"Damn you Rogers."

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