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"OK, what do I do?"

"Can you move a bed by yourself?"

"...No?" Bucky chuckled softly and set me on top of the bed that was in the center of the room. "I can help!" I protested "I didn't get abducted at the park this time, I'd say that proves I can help!" Bucky smiled slightly and waited for me to finish my rant.

"You done?" he asked "Because Cecilia, you and I both know that you won't be able to move this."

"Fine." I muttered. Bucky ruffled my hair and carefully pushed the bed so that it was against the wall. Once he had, I hopped off and bounced impatiently.

"Alright," Bucky said finally "here's your job." He handed me a broom and I looked up at him with a frown. "You're the one who wanted to work!" he exclaimed "The sooner you finish sweeping in here, the sooner I'll give you another job."

"Yay!" I said brightly, moving through the room and sweeping all the dust off the floor. Bucky started gathering all the various weapons he had lying around the room. Before we turned this into my room, it had been his weapons room. I had to say, the amount of guns that could fit in the closet was a little frightening.

"I think that's all of them." Bucky said nervously "If you happen to find a random grenade or gun, don't touch it. Just tell me and I'll get it. Because I feel like if you pick it up, you'll somehow pull the trigger and shoot the apartment up or blow the place to hell." I giggled as I finished sweeping and waited expectantly for my new job.

"Now what?" I asked impatiently.

"Go get your stuff and start putting it in here." Bucky said as he carried his armful of weapons out of the room "I'm going to try and find somewhere where you won't accidentally find these."

"Good luck with that."

"Doll, where's the rest of your stuff?" I looked up at Bucky in confusion.

"This is it." I said indifferently "I had that one bag full of my stuff and that's it." Bucky leaned against the doorway and watched me carefully while I read my book for the millionth time.

"How many books do you have?" he asked suddenly.

"Three." I said distractedly "They're my favorite ones, but they're the only ones I have to read so I'm probably biased." Bucky sighed and walked over. I felt the bed dip under his weight and I glanced up at him to see what he wanted.

"Get ready to go." Bucky said with a small smile "We're not done for the day yet." I looked up at him curiously, but did as he asked.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the tenth time as we drove into the city. Bucky continued to drive in silence and I groaned impatiently.

"Do you really want to know?" Bucky teased finally. I nodded eagerly and Bucky smiled over at me. "Well you'll find out when we get there." he said, a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked around at the city. Even though we drove down here all the time, I never got tired of looking at all the buildings, and people walking around. "Alright," Bucky said after a few minutes "we're here." I looked out the window, and my heart rate seemed to go about twenty times faster.

"Is that a book store?" I asked excitedly.

"Yep." Bucky said with a smile as we got out of the car "I figured you probably needed more than three books."

"You have no idea."

3 hours later

"Kid, do you want some help?"

"I got it!" I insisted, teetering under the immense pile of books I was carrying. Bucky chuckled softly and held the car door open for me as I carefully climbed in. "Thanks for doing this Papa." I said happily as I hugged my books close to me.

"Anytime Doll." Bucky said quietly "I mean... I know how much you like reading." I smiled and balanced the books on my lap as we started the drive home. "I just want to make sure I'm being an OK dad." he confessed, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"You're a great dad!" I exclaimed "You don't hit, yell, or abuse me. You're fun to be around, and the fact that you buy me books doesn't hurt." Bucky laughed and ruffled my hair with a smile.

"You're a good kid." he said softly as I curled up in my seat and started to drift off "I love you Doll."

"I love you too Papa."

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