✿ twelve

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There were only 15 minutes left until that date thing was going to happen. She spent almost two hours looking trough her wardrobe and trying to find the perfect outfit. Luke didn't mention anything about dressing up so she went with a simple black dress which happened to have no sleeves. Eventhough high heels would have looked a lot better with that she decided to put on her trusty old pair of converse. Her make up was on a minimum level, a bit of cocealer, mascara and lipstick.

"Nonna I'm gonna go now, I'll see you later okay?" 

"Alright Lia have fun and don't do anything stupid." Her grandmother advised her as she kissed the top of her head. She was still schoced that her grandaughter has finally decided to get out of her comfort zone and be around people her age. She did like Luke as a person and apparently so did her little girl.

She was walking as slowly as she could while panic took over her. She knew she was over thinking everything but couldn't focus on something else.

Luke was already there, waiting with something in his hand. When he saw her making her way over to him, he put both his hands behind his back, hiding the thing she spotted. He didn't dress up all fancy in a suit, in fact he kept his everyday look, his dark skinny jeans, black vans but this time he wore a button down shirt which revealed his chest.

"Hey Lia." He said and walked in her direction.

"Hey." She smilled and asked herself if she should give him a quick hug.

While she was thinking about doing it, he already made a move and put his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly as he exaled and spoke.

"Close your eyes and put your hands up front." She obeyed and felt something soft touching her hands. When she oppened her eyes there was a flower crown in a soft pink color.

"Uh I just wanted to get you something and well you were amazed by the field with flowers so I made that and I took me two hours to make it, but not that I'm complaining." He said everything in one breath and when he finished she just gave him a hug and a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I absolutely love it." She then put it on her head.

"I wanted to make it simple like any normal date so I think you'll love this place."

"Okay Luke lead the way then." She said smiling and wondering where he would take her this time.

They walked down the same narrow street that led her to her school. She was going to miss that place, it held a lot of memories, good and bad.

This time she was familiar with the place, she could recognise the coffee shop and that little shoe store next to it, except she still didn't know where Luke was taking her. A couple minutes passed and he finally stoped after turning right and leading them in a corner. 

There was a small place, brightly pink with a lot of cupcake wall paitings on it. Luke went around to find the stairs as he held her hand and intertwined their fingers. When they entered inside they were greeted by an mid aged lady who showed them the way to a table. The place wasn't crowded at all, in fact they were the only ones left after two girls paid their check and got out.

"So what are we going to eat? I heard this place has the best desserts in the world." He began talking as he opened the menu and started flicking trough the pages. She just stared at him and admired the way he was so foccused into the menu.

"How about a big bowl of this?" He handed the small book to her and pointed at what he was talking about. They way it was pictured in the menu got her mouth watering so she agreed with Luke.

"Alright I like it." 

Luke smilled and signalized the lady that they are ready to order. He did most of the talking with the same mid aged lady that showed them to their table, while she was quiet the whole time.


"Soo" They both started laughing at how awkward that was but this time she managed to get out of the every day situation she gets stuck into.

"Uum what do you want to do when you're older?" She asked him while she was playing with her fingers. He bit his bottom lip as he watched her cheecks turn softly red.

"You know what I like? I like to be a musician, you know, be in a band a tour all over the world." She imagined him, playing the guitar he had in his room and rocking those sold out stadiums, it all fitted perfectly.

"What do you want to do?" He kept the conversation going.

"Uhh I don't know, I really like to travel around the world, but I guess I'm kinda stuck here, looking after nonna."

"Hey maybe when I get famous I'll take you with me, what do you say?" 

"I'll think about it." She answered smiling making him blush out of nowhere.

While they were talking their order was ready and put on the table along with two spoons. The continued talking and knowing a lot more things about eachother while delicious pieces of fruit were melting in their mouths. 

She threw a small glance on the clock behind Luke realizing they've been in the place for quite a long time. 

"Luke um it's getting late I think we should get going." 

"Yeah you're probably right." He waved at the lady that served them so she could bring the check. He paid the amount of money it was written on the piece of paper putting them underneath.

She got up and lead the way to the exit while Luke's hand was resting on her waist pressing her closer to him as he gave her a small kiss on the temple.

a quick dedication to murdermuke bc different is so fucking amazing it is one of my fav horror stories and i'm planing on reading the rest of her works


omg guys thank you so much for 2k i can't 

thank you so so so so much

i love you all

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