Chapter 3

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After the first couple of days Maggie had adapted to the new routine of doing things. It was hard and busy work having to be up early to prepare the food, help serve the food and cleaning up after everyone had finished so it would be ready for the next shift to start, but Maggie found it satisfying. It was organised so that each volunteer had the breakfast and dinner shift one day and then just the lunch shift on the following day, allowing them to have a break to explore the local area or as in most cases help others out in their various assignments.

Maggie invariably assisted her mum by running errands and delivering messages saving Evelyn a lot of unnecessary hassle, allowing her to get on with more important tasks.

"Maggie could you go to the storage tent and get me the box that contains the stationary supplies please?" Evelyn asked as she rubbed her fingers along her forehead.

"Sure! Is the box actually labelled stationary supplies or something else?" Maggie replied uncrossing her standing up from her position on the floor where she had been sorting through a box of various instruction manuals that were to be distributed among the Asgardians.

"It should be labelled stationary supplies or something along those lines. If you bring it back here I'll have to sort it out after I've been to see Mr Widdon." Evelyn responded.

As Maggie made her way to the storage tent she noticed that the camp was quieter than it usually was, apart from a few children playing, but then realised that most would be eating breakfast as it was not very late in the morning. It was a breezy morning, mild, the blue sky dappled with fluffy Cumulus clouds that made patches of the sea darker when they passed under the sun.

The box was indeed labelled stationary supplies and wasn't hard to find, but it was larger than she expected and a bit heavy making it awkward for her to carry with her petite frame. Being a determined woman Maggie struggled on with getting it outside the tent before unfortunately having to put the box down on the ground while she zipped up the tent.

"Oh good grief!" Maggie exclaimed to herself as she picked the box back up making her way back while watching where she stepped as the ground was uneven in places and she didn't want to trip with a box this size.

When Maggie was over halfway back a small bird flew across her path causing Maggie to keep following it with her gaze as it fluttered between the tents and into the field that as adjacent to the camp. Turning her attention back to where she was going, Maggie found herself merely inches away from a tall man with black hair and a mean expression on his face. With his long strides Maggie didn't have a chance to veer out of his way and was knocked down, dropping the box, when their shoulders collided.

"Get out of my way pathetic mortal!" he exclaimed angrily just as his shoulder was about to strike hers. He narrowly missed tripping over her as she fell down, before continuing on his way not giving her a second glance.

"Excuse me!" Maggie exclaimed rubbing her left shoulder that she had landed on, standing herself up and glaring a the stranger who was abruptly walking away.

The stranger stopped dead in his tracks, his shoulders hunched as he turned around giving Maggie a sinister look as he marched back towards her. Seeing the look on his face Maggie realised in those few seconds that this was probably not going to go well but the feisty part of her personality refused to allow her to back down.

"Are you also deaf? I demanded that you get out of my way!"

  Maggie looked up at the man whose voice, even though it was smooth, had a threatening tone in it. Up close she realised tall and domineering this man actually was, making her feel intimidated, but she kept her composure.

"You put yourself in my way. I tried to avoid you but I wasn't able to as you came careering towards me knocking me over along with this heavy box I was carrying!" Maggie explained motioning to the scattered stationary laying across the grass. "And then instead of apologising or helping me up you rudely march off!"

  The man, who Maggie didn't realise was Prince Loki, now had his arms crossed as he glared down at the slight mortal who dared to talk to him in this manner.

"How dare you address me in this way mortal! Do you not know who I am?" Loki demanded.

Maggie, whose hands were starting to shake as she saw the dangerous look in his eyes, replied trying to keep her voice steady: "No! I don't know who you are and quite frankly I don't care as it is no excuse for you to be so rude to me or to anyone else in this camp for that matter!"

Loki stood erect looking down at Maggie while he pondered his next words and resisting the urge to conjure up a dagger and stick it in her chest as he was struggling to control his anger.

"Have a care how you address me in future as I have no qualms with removing that spritely tongue of yours from your impertinent mouth!" He growled as he grabbed her face with his hand, pressing roughly into her cheeks, before walking off leaving Maggie rubbing her face soothingly where he had hurt her, his finger marks showing on her skin, trying to fight back the tears that had already started falling down her face. Maggie hastily picked up the scattered stationary placing it back in the box, then with a determined breath made her way back to the tent her mum worked in hoping that she had not returned yet allowing her a few moments to regain her composure.

Maggie let out a big sigh of relief when she discovered that Evelyn hadn't returned yet as Maggie's hands were still shaking form her encounter with the Asgardian, as Maggie assumed that was what he was as he had referred to her as a mortal, reminding herself that she had come across more intimidating people in the past.

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