Chapter 12

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  Maggie noticed the night was unusually humid as she wondered outside, immersing herself in the beautiful and peaceful gardens that the venue boasted.  Slipping her heels off she wiggled her toes and let them relish in the feel of the cool grass against them.  At the feel of the warm breeze, Maggie spread her arms wide and twirled, admiring the twinkling stars above, allowing the painful memories that were surfacing to be blown away with that simple breeze.

Before feeling too dizzy, Maggie stopped her twirling. Taking a swig from the bottle of whiskey she was holding Maggie spied the centre piece of the garden - an ornate fountain that had clearly been crafted with love.  Her shoes forgotten on the grass, Maggie hoisted the skirt of her dress up and sauntered off towards the fountain with every intent on paddling in it.

            *                           *                              *

Sighing deeply, Loki found himself surveying the scene before him again. His boredom had now reached its peak and he despised the music that people were dancing, terribly at that he thought, too.  The balls of Asgard were much more of an enjoyable and elegant affair.

  'Not your thing?' a kindly faced older gentleman enquired of him, interrupting his musings.

'Not exactly, no.' Loki admitted with a small smile, all the while studying the man currently stood next to him. With his grey-blue eyes and greying hair, he stood with an air of authority about him, but Loki surmised that he wasn't the domineering type.

  'It's not particularly mine either but its for a good cause. Neil Ferris!' the man introduced himself, extending his hand out to Loki in greeting.


  Returning the customary Midgardian gesture Thor had insisted he learned.  To Loki's surprise Neil's face didn't betray whether he really knew who he was talking to or not, even though Loki had the nagging thought that he shouldn't care even if Neil did.

  'Two whiskey doubles please.' Neil requested from the bar tender. 'So, if you don't mind my asking, what would you rather be doing right now?'

  'Reading a book in peace.' Loki replied gratefully accepting the drink Neil passed to him.

  'You sound just like my daughter, she absolutely despises having to come to these events.'

  'If she despises them as much as you say why does she come?'

'Why did you come?'

  Loki smirked into his glass at that appreciating the mans point as he let his eyes scan the room once more.

   'You'll most likely find her outside.' Neil stated as he followed Loki's searching gaze.

  'I beg your pardon?' Questioned Loki, puzzled as to who his drinking companion was referring to.

  'The young woman you have been trying to find and whose conversation is the only one you've even remotely enjoyed all evening.'

Narrowing his eyes at Neil, Loki was undecided between being annoyed at the man for watching him or irritated because deep down Loki knew he was right in his observational skills.

  'You would be best going out through those french doors over there.' Neil pointed them out, completely unperturbed by the glare Loki was giving him. 'Anyway it was nice meeting you son.'

   Neil took his leave and ventured amongst the crowd while Loki gazed at the doors deliberating whether to venture out or not.

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