Gray x Reader- Just Pretend

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"For the last time Laxus, I already have a boyfriend!" I scream at him, making his arrogant smile fall a few notches. I could feel the shift as every pair of eyes in the guild turn to watch in the hopes that two of their strongest S-class wizards would duel. The lightning dragon slayer's dark teal eyes met my (e/c) pair. A silent war erupts between us.

I felt my aura begin to emerge, radiating a dark purple from my skin. The gravity began to reverse on every object it touched. Laxus let the lightning flow from his veins like arbitrary whips of gold.

"You're a real pig, Laxus." I spat, avoiding vulgar language in front of the entirety of Fairy Tail. Laxus' yellow ambience swells at the words. Electricity struck out across the guild hall, making every light 'POP!' and fall into darkness. I felt my own emanation skyrocket to meet his step-for-step. My eyes soon felt cold and dry, and in their wake was an enchanting purple trail of dust that flowed like water. Nearby a bench creaked when it began to float.

"Alright children, that is quite enough." The master's voice resembled a calm melody as it flowed through my ears. I tore Laxus and I's heated gazes apart, blinking away the purple trail they left. My powers receded back into my body all at once. Tables, chairs, benches and even a couple of pedestrians dropped suddenly to the ground.

"Sorry, Master Makarov."

I heard Laxus snort at my apology. "I'm not."

I pitched him a sharp look. "Apology accepted, dear. Now if you don't mind... I feel as though you two can sort out your relationship drama else where." I hissed at his words. "Nothing to sort out."

I brushed past Makarov to leave the guild hall, only to be intercepted by Laxus once more. The slayer threw his arms out wide like a roadblock. Nearby, Team Natsu lay in wait to stop anything that grew physical. Anger pierced through my brain like a well-aimed arrow. My body trembled.

"Laxus," I let his name rumble out of my chest in a growl, "if you do not move I will make you." Laxus threw his head back and released a hearty laugh. He faked wiping a tear away, and I wanted nothing more than to punch his face until it was the thing people would be laughing at.

"As much as I'd love to see you try, I have a proposal for you (Y/n). How about we go on a date." My head shot upwards with a hiss, fists already clenched and radiating purple. Laxus chuckled once more. "Women make so many damn assumptions, don't they? A double date, (L/n). You and your boyfriend, me and my one-night-stand." I felt the rage swiftly reaching its boiling point in my body. If I didn't leave soon, there would be hell to pay.

"If that's what it takes to shut you the fuck up then I agree. Tomorrow at 7:00, be late and I kick your ass." I said obscenely and stormed out.

~Time skip brought to you by jerk Laxus~

"And then that brute asked me on a fucking double date! Who the hell does that?! And if any of you know me, I'm too stubborn to disagree to his challenge." I release an angry groan. Team Natsu sat affront me, each one's eyes widened at my tale.

"I'll beat him up for you, (Y/n)! Just say the word and I'll do it!"

A sigh flows from my mouth. "You'd fight him without this reason, Natsu."

"Yea but now I have a reason! He has to fight me now so I can prove I'm stronger!"

Eyes still buried in my hands, I quickly mutter two things to the team: "Natsu sit down and close your flaming mouth." And, "Gray put on some pants." Two slightly impressed whispering voices mute the shuffling that follows.

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