Zeref x Reader~ Fate's Pawn

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Words are a beautiful thing. They were a way to communicate, a way to share thoughts and feelings. That wasn't the reason they are beautiful, though. There's more to it than that.

Everybody's left wrist has words inked into their skin. "Inked" is a loose term- you're born with them. These words are the only thing that aid you in finding your other half. Your soul mate.

I; however, always hid mine. Most people had sweet words. Gray and Natsu did, even if Gray ignored Juvia a majority of the time. He was just a tsundere. Some lucky people- like Erza- had a name in it.

What did mine say? Well, of course I had to be the unlucky duckling. The handwriting was a pretty cursive and the words were black as ink. Its meaning; however, was what always got me.

"Get away from me"

My soul mate's first words would be denying me. When I was younger, I had tried to come up with some excuse. Some way they could mean that out of love and not denial. Now I didn't bother. The words had a clear meaning, and I just had to accept that. "Get away from me." Yea, there's definitely no way that can have a good connotation.

It was because of those damned words that I didn't bother looking for my soul mate. Why should I? They obviously didn't want me around. Maybe their wrist didn't have any words. Perhaps it was blank since I would just get up and walk away, giving them the space they oh-so-desperately needed.

I released a sigh, brushing the thoughts away. No need to dwell on the inevitable. Fate was just cruel sometimes.

My eyes landed on Mest. Oddly, I didn't remember much about him. Just that we were really close. He flashed a smile and beckoned me over. Ugh, why don't you just come to me, I thought whilst clambering to my feet.

"Hey, Mest."

"Hey (Y/n)! Just wanted to remind you about the S-class trials, good luck."

Ah! I had forgotten about it due to my moping. My boat was set to leave a week before the competitors, and I was supposed to set up some ruins and spells as roadblocks.

"I have to go pack!"

I blurted out, jumping up and sending my stool flying. Mest released a hearty laugh. Despite being on a magic level similar to Gildarts, I could be very air-headed at times. This was one of those times.


"Anytime, (Y/n)!" Mest called after me, still laughing.

Damn private property! My mind raged. I lived what felt like eons away from Magnolia, near a mountain. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I regretted it immensely. At least I had solitude, though.

By the time I was finally at home, my chest was heaving. Damn God-slaying magic can't include teleportation? Chronos, you dick. I mentally cursed out my father. That is a story for another time, I thought whilst winking.

I shoved all my necessities into a suit case, cursing my luck. Wait a minute... I could've just frozen time and walked here. A defeated groan fell from my lips. There was nobody to blame for my stupidity but me. Now I had to deal with achey muscles for the entirety of my trip. Fantastic.

The way back was leisure. Nobody moved, and everybody was frozen in time. Everybody but me. Nonetheless, I was exhausted by the time I arrived at the docks.

I snapped my fingers and time resumed. The bellboy took my suitcase, and I followed him to my private cabin. Too bad I get seasick. It was going to be a long and painful ride to Tenrou Island. Of that, I had no doubt. Hopefully it'd be worth my time.

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