Cobra x Reader~ Talk to Me

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I pull the envelope tightly to my chest, (e/c) eyes surveying the tall building before me. The only thing separating the building and I was an entire roaring lake full of dangerous creatures and spells. Joyous. I slowly drug up my wrist, flicking it to check the time on a holographic clock.

"Greetings, Ms. (L/n). I see you are quite punctual," a cool voice tumbled over my ears, jolting my gaze away from the technology. The light dissipated from sight. Gran Doma hovered over the raging waters. His very presence invoked a sense of respect, it was almost as though he silently demanded it. I could feel the aura of his power shrouding the vicinity like a veil or blanket. My muscles acted on their own and drug me into a deep bow.

"I-I try," I muttered with an unsteady voice. My subconscious innerly cursed its self. You're meeting the Magic Council member that hired you and you still can't act tough, what a great wizard you are! Gran Doma almost curiously tilted his head as he gazed at me. His stare made me feel... small. Like a mouse being hunted by a cat.

"I know what you're thinking. For a wizard with nullification magic, I release very small amounts of magic energy. I can promise you that it's enough to take care of what you hired me to do."

A small smile slithered its way into Gran Doma's face. "It better be. Come now, follow in my footsteps along this invisible bridge. I created it for the two of us only." He unfurled one ancient hand in my direction. I hesitantly took it, hopping into what appeared to be thin air. A sudden pain shot up my heel when I landed on pure- invisible- concrete. My teeth clenched together in pain to withhold an inaudible scream. The grand wizard's eyebrow cocked in amusement.

"So tell me; Ms. (L/n), why have you not joined a guild?" I was much too focused on not falling to my doom to answer fully, but lucky me I am good at bullshittery.

"I feel as though I'm too weak," a half-truth, I giggled internally. Gran Doma didn't press the matter further. In fact, he swiftly pulled a subject change.

"Tell me about your inventions, then. You are very renowned for your work in non-magical tools." His sentence plunged me into a loop. How do you answer a question like that without sounding like you mean to brag?

I pondered the question, finally answering with careful words. "I work to make life easier for civilians. Though I was blessed with meager magical energy, many are not."

"Interesting. Did you read over our agreements stated in the envelope?"

"Yes sir," I mumbled. The words 'punishable by death' were typed in almost every sentence.

"You must know then that not a single thing you learn here, see here, or hear here can be told to anyone. Not even your colleagues are to be trusted. If anyone asks," his eyes flitted over my direction, "it is punishable by death." I finished his sentence with him in sync. He looked extremely unamused.

"Good. Take some time to read over his file, then. This is your new responsibility until we can set a court date to decide his punishment. At the moment he isn't a priority."

I gingerly took the small file he offered and slid him my own. Mere seconds after the transaction he took his leave, abandoning me by a stunningly white door. My body slowly slid down the corner until I rested with hands on my knees. There's hardly anything written! I realized with a shock, remembering how he said my 'target' wasn't a priority. Of course they would give me almost no information on him.

From the vanilla folder tumbled a small badge with my name on it, fit with a Magic Council crest. The crest had three lines: signaling I was above all guards and commanders, but not wizards. I attached the emblem with a great amount of pride. From there I skimmed over the meager wording on the single sheet. I almost felt as though I'm not getting the entire story, like they're purposefully withholding vital information. It brewed a queasy feeling in my stomach.

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