Natsu x Reader~ Kryptonite

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This is just a heads up! Yes, you are going to be an extremely overpowered Mary-Sue; however, that shouldn't be a huge problem. You're going to hold yourself back. The point of this one-shot is to take a character and show how much their own thoughts hold them back. How much your mind can encase you. The point of this is to prove that you're your own kryptonite, but once you overcome it, you can be so much more! Enjoy! <3


Every step I took felt weighted, dragging the ground as though magnetized. My eyes locked on my feet as they marched diligently onwards. The hopeful feeling that once brewed deep in my stomach was now a sinking, floundering mess of anxiety. I could feel eyes on me. People's eyes. Somehow; someway, I would rather it be a famished beast than another person. Maybe then would my queasiness fade.

Against my will, my brain began to constructed any number of ways this- encounter- could unfold. All of them were horrendously awful. I can't do it. I need to turn back. With the thoughts circling in my head; a tornado of uncertainty, despair, and rehearsed lines, I paused. I'm in the middle of the street! Now they all think I'm a lost tourist without her wits about her. Suddenly motivated, my feet lurched forward with surprising haste. Akin to food or water, I needed to escape the scene. Now.

What if I run into someone? I'll be forced to say hello or apologize, but my voice will crack and I'll sound weak, they'll know I'm scared- I halted affront a door, my thoughts crashing down like a torrent of rain. The apprehension suddenly engulfed me tenfold. If I turn away everyone watching will know I'm petrified to go in, but if I go in there will be so many people- so many eyes and stares and people.

My hand was shaking horribly as it neared the door handle. Every beat of my heart seemed to make it jerk. I should just go home. The grab faltered, my hand retracting nearer to my side. I'll just leave now. My feet moved on their own accord once more, despondently retracing my steps.

"Hey! Where are you goin'?" An icy chill shot down my body, making every nerve freeze. Please don't be talking to me. Surely they weren't. Should I reply? Wave? Now I've taken too long to answer- I hesitantly turned around, meeting the onyx eyes of none other than Salamander himself. My eyes immediately diverted.

"I'm Natsu! What's your name?" The exuberant male shot his hand forward, almost making me recoil. Should I take it? What if my palms are sweaty? I opted to take it lightly, wiping my palms on my jeans.


"Did ya want to join Fairy Tail? You can just ask!" Not trusting my voice, I attempted to shake my head 'no', but he ignored it. "Awesome! Come on, follow me!" The wizard grabbed my hand, dragging me along like a dog on a leash.

With every step closer to the guild hall, my body reacted even more. No air entered my lungs; despite their pleas, and a petrified numbness began to rampage through my limbs. They're going to reject me, aren't they? Will I know what to say? What if they stare? I should have stayed at home- I feel comfortable at home. Home is the only place I do feel comfortable. I don't belong here.

"Hey everybody! We got a new member!"
No. Overwhelming despair grasped me by the throat, forcing my head to turn and take in the surroundings. People. Dozens of people are here. They're staring. Eyes; what felt like hundreds, looked over my body. Evaluating me. Judging me. They know. They know I'm weak and scared. Never before in my life had I wanted to disappear so much as in this moment.

Natsu yanked me forward, making my body lurch compliantly. I tried ignoring the stares by eyeing my feet- but it was no use. I could feel every prickling gaze. I know I'm going to say something wrong.

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