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Blake, also nicknamed "Bleak" due to his gloomy way of viewing things in general: an average looking young man, working within an IT company, thinking that one day he will become a known programmer with big responsibilities, which will provide for his family, live a normal life and... you know what? That's all he hears every time he meets up with his family and some of his friends.

"Get a nice girl, start-up a family and for goodness sake, make something with your life. You can't get a house of your own and raise a family with that kind of job, now, can you?"

"When will you obtain your doctorate for the college you finished? Life is waving by and you just hang around with your friends and play those silly games..."

"Hey dude, my wife's got pregnant and we're expecting a girl... What about you? Still didn't find the right one, eh? No worries man, you will meet her one day for sure... but you should probably focus on getting your driver's license and get a better position within that company in the meantime."

As expected, nagging someone over and over on the same subject will make that person do the exact opposite. Blake didn't need advices and dull speeches about life and the way "to be". He just wanted to have fun. He was young, eager to try new non-boring stuff, knowing that the important ones will come by, with time. It was the natural way of things, after all, based on his logic.

At work he was viewed as a wacky guy, mostly cheerful, which had a good laugh with each revealed opportunity and last, but not least he was seen as a good colleague which helped his fellow co-workers with whatever he could. The people there liked and regarded him with respect, even if his personality was a bit off sometimes. One might dare to say that he was not perfection incarnate.

Of course, every guy has his lady friends at work and amongst them, that one special girl which he gets along with and feels that there are no limits to the things they have in common. In this case: the lovely Emma or Em, as her friends, including Blake, called her.


Entering the 7th floor of his work environment, Blake checked the hour and was pleased that he arrived earlier than usual. This way, he got more time to prepare for the day ahead and make a cup of coffee or tea, without worry. To his surprise, many more were present that early in the morning as well. Slowly walking on the dark gray carpet, at small distance across a few colleagues that waved to him, Blake stopped dead in his tracks.

Oh... she dyed her hair again and... a new haircut? Hm, medium length instead of long. It works. Dark green this time, huh? Not bad. It goes well with her black eyes. Admiring or better said analyzing Emma's looks with his hazel eyes, recently woke up day dreaming fantasies, like he was a child imagining himself within various scenarios; nothing on the weird side of things, of course.

"Hey, again you're staring into the ceiling, Bleak?" she snapped him from his imagination.

"Uhm, yeah... was just thinking about today's schedule. You know, work and stuff."

How the hell did she get near me that fast? Blake wondered. I need to pay more attention next time, or she'll think I'm checking her out.

While he tried to look as serious as one can be, she laughed at his terrible lie.

"Always with the same excuse. You're the same as ever... well deserving of that nickname of yours. Anyway, we'll talk later. I have real work to do, unlike others." while backing away, she winked.

"Under this coarseness there lays a diamond, anime fan-girl." he pointed at his hair, while smirking.

Hearing his self-remark she snorted a bit while laughing. "Haha, I'll take that as a compliment, since you noticed. Try not to look like an emo while writing those documents, kay? Like the usual, you know."

Just as quick as she appeared, Emma then left his sight in a beat.

That silly laugh... never try and get rid of it. It adds to your charm. Smiling, Blake continued to think about her for a little bit more, while he slowly resumed walking towards his desk.

Emma was pretty new in the company. Compared to him, she was there for six months and he was reaching almost one year and a half, but several talks between them forged a good friendship and talked regularly about random stuff. Some were more personal, some were not. Recently, he started to feel more and more attracted to his lovely friend as time passed by, despite his better judgment. Of all the girls he met, this one was so different that he couldn't ignore. She had the looks, the smarts, the everything. Within Blake's mind, there wasn't one thing she couldn't do, but alas she had a boyfriend.

Often, besides imagining things, he found himself monologuing, whenever the feelings for Emma found their way to the consciousness. This time around, he began the self-discussion while cleaning his desk and accessories; a routine he followed to the letter every time he arrived at work.

Fuck, this is always my luck! I find this one amazing girl and of course, she's taken. Can't even ask her out. Also, why the hell is this mouse so sticky? Damn nightshift... he sighted in annoyance, while wiping harder with the alcohol imbued paper towel.

Maybe give it some time; surely your discussions will lead to more. If she sees that you're paying attention to the details she's revealing and make her laugh, maybe she'll have second thoughts about the other guy, hm? his self response followed.

Impossible, Emma mentions him every time he does something nice for her, or when she's telling me a random story in which he's involved. Their relationship is strong, so no need to get my hopes up. Just being thankful that she's a good friend is enough.

Have it your way. You're not the first or the last to be in this kind of situation.

He quickly shook his head and focused his attention back at the now clean desk, including the troublesome mouse. I should really stop doing this... but I guess it's a good way to relief myself and distract my mind from those feelings I have for her. She's just a friend, remember that, ok? Good...

Glancing across the floor towards Emma one more time, he took a deep breath and sat down. The black textured chair was not very comfortable and gave him another reason to feel irritated each morning. All of that paled once Blake looked over his tasks for that day and almost proceeded with the work at hand.

Crap. I forgot to get something to drink.

He walked towards the floor's kitchen, now solely thinking about the documents he needed to write. At least this gave him some peace of mind, for a while.

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