Chapter Seven

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The flight attendants directed passengers in economy to their seats once the first-class guests had been shown through and bowed politely to everyone joining them for the trip, thanking them for choosing to fly with their airline.

Rose watched them over the back of her seat, in awe of their efficiency and unwavering politeness, even when some of the passengers responded to them gruffly or made lewd comments to their friends about the pretty cabin crew. A few tried to look around them into the first-class section, as if hoping they might luck-out and be upgraded like they were in a movie.

Rose couldn't blame them, she hardly believed she was there herself.


Rose was on a plane to Seoul.

'Rose,' Yuta captured her attention. For the first time in a long while, he wasn't in a suit. Instead, he was in a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt, his black coat draped over the wall of his personal cubicle style seat. Only an aisle separated them, and Rose couldn't help but wonder if she might get to see him sleeping cutely during the flight.

Hardly likely; it was only going to take about two hours.

Rose dropped back into her chair and smiled at him. 'What?'

'Try to act like an adult.'

Rose pouted. 'I was only looking.'

'This is first-class.'

'I know.'

'So, act like you belong here,' he instructed.

'Like a snob?'

'There's still time to send you back to your parents, you know?' he threatened.

'How would auntie Akane feel if you threw sweet, precious me off a plane all alone?' Rose teased.

Yuta cleared his throat and found that he was suddenly very interested in the buttons on his armrest.

His mother – Akane – had come to see them off from the airport along with Hitomi, Robert, Lily and Takashi. Isao and Mitsuki were too busy with work to take the time out to wish them a good flight, but Rose knew they'd have been there if they could, and that was what mattered. Akane had been quick to warn Yuta to look after Rose while they were away, scolding her son when he joked that he would leave her in the Han river if she misbehaved.

The most difficult person to leave behind had been Hitomi.

It would be difficult to face everything South Korea might throw at her without her best friend at her side, but Rose had promised to email Hitomi as often as she could, and to bring her back some beauty products when she returned.

The few months would fly by, and soon Rose would be back in Japan and return to her position as the daughter of the famous couple, never knowing who her friends were or if she'd get a moment's peace.

Still, as she sat on the plane with only a pouting Yuta for company, Rose couldn't help wishing that Mitsuki and Robert had thought to send Hitomi with them.

'Hold the door!' a familiar voice called. 'Heyyy! Wait!'

Both Rose and Yuta turned to look over the back of their seats as a girl crashed through and bumped into an attendant.

''Tomi?' Rose asked.

'You're kidding,' Yuta groaned.

'Hey!' Hitomi hurried over to them and hugged Rose, slipping into the seat beside her. 'You really thought you were going to fly without me? I'm your best friend!'

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