What's happing to Rachel, Emma?

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Emma's POV

I set the table and washed my hands, then Kurt came in.

"Hey Em Woods." -K

Kurt is the only one that calls me Em Woods. He calls me that off of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. I laugh every time he says it.

"Hey Kurt Burt." -E

"Hey.. Burt's my father."-K

He laughs at my nick name for him. I laugh at his last sentence. I suck at nicknames so I leave that for him.

"Where's Diva?" -K

"She is in the bathroom. *Crying."-E

I don't say the last word out loud. I know Kurt would be trying to figure out why. Rach had her phone in her pocket so when Kurt went into his room, I let her know he was home.


Kurt's home. Try to make it look like you were not crying😉 dinner should be made soon. Then Kurt's going to a show so we can talk. Santana on the other hand is an idk. 💖

Rachel's POV

I got a text from Emma.

Kurt's home. Try to make it look like you were not crying😉 dinner should be made soon. Then Kurt's going to a show so we can talk. Santana on the other hand is an idk. 💖

I did as she suggested. My eyes were red and puffy. I can only tell Emma why i was crying. Not even Finn, if he would try to even call sometimes. I just want to see his face. Their was a knock on the bathroom door.

Kurt's POV

I knocked on the bathroom door. Emma was deep into a conversation in her phone so she didn't know what I was doing. Rachel's eyes were red and puffy. She was crying.

"Hey Kurt." -R

"Hey, you okay?" -K

"Yeah I'm fine. We are out of something so I'm going to whole foods to pick it up." -R

I nodded my head and she left. It was me and Emma who was now sitting on the couch watching tv. That girl is the only person i know who can make a change with no noise.

"Hey Em, can you and i talk? Girl to gay?" -K

She nodded. I sat next to her on the couch.

"What's up" -E

The next thing i say suddenly makes her quiet for the first time in my time of knowing her.

"What's wrong with Rachel, Emma?"- K

O MY GOD U GUYS!!!! Srry I'm a broadway and glee loser if my name doesn't clear it up. I have 13 readers. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! Please keep reading and i will update. Can we try to get this story to 20 readers? Love each and everyone of you.

Comment, Like, Read, and something else that i can't remember.


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