What am I going to do???

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Emma's POV

I just stared at Rachel who just stared at me. I knew what my next move was going to be. RUN! I grabbed my phone off the table and my key off the hook. I sprinted out of the loft. I didn't know where to run to so I took the secret Metro card out from inbetween my iPhone and the case. I hoped on the subway that was right there and rode until i reached the stop i needed.

Rachel's POV

I don't know what to do. I just cried more. I cant believe I cheated on him. He is going to hate me!! how could i DO such a thing with BRODY WESTON!! Altho, it isnt really my failt. He put a drug in my drink. But I let him. I'm dead.

Emma's POV

The subway came to a stop as it reached 96th street. Perfect. I hoped off and ran up the steps. I probly looked like someone was going to kill me but you never know. I stopped running cause my make-up was a mess and running was not my thing. I walked to the address I knew by heart. I rang the buzzer to my friends apartment. Floor 3, apartment 9. I was to tired so i slugged myself up the steps. I txted her I was outside her front door. She answerd. And i stepped in.

Rachel's POV

My phone was ringing but it wasnt Emma's ringtone that she made me put on my phone... I ran over to my phine to see who it was. It said Kurt but Kurts ringtone is Defying Gravity but it was playing Suger Daddy from Hedwig. Screw it and aswer it.

"Hello?" -R

"I heard" -K


"SHE butt dialed me." -K

"I'll talk to you later" -R

And with that, I hung up. I couldnt think stright. I needed to clear my head, so i decided to take a nap. I needed 30 more seconds until I would have been out. But the sound of my iPhone woke me up. I rolled out of bed to where my phone was charging. My phone hit the ground when I read what the IMessage said.

Emma's POV

I left my best friend's Julieta's apartment. I had to tell SOMEONE and she can keep a secret. All to well. I walked back to the Subway station. I dont know why but as I slid my Metro card in the slot, it felt like something not good was going to happen. I went towait for the A,C, or E subway when i felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out from my pocket. My home screen read...

Finn🏈💗😊😝 IMessage

I slide the screen and entered my password. The message was in Me, Finn and Rachel's group message. I read the message from Finn. The subway came but I didnt even get on. I was too shocked.

Rachel's POV

Finn's message said...


All I think was What am I going to do???

Hope u guys liked this chapter. THANK YOU FOR 400 reads. It means so much. Leave ur opinions on this story. Wht do U want to happen next. Luv u guys💙 -Em💖

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