chapter 2

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A/n: your in  your human form right. don't own any of the pictures. 

Y/n: after checking my stats , I went to look around my eyes land on a girl. she had long black hair , red eyes and  was holding  a white briefcase. I was panicking at this point for some reason  I stayed calmed but I remember that there's no reason to panic, but for some reason i walked to alley way there i found . . . . . . . a fucking  ghoul just my luck!!


tiffany: ahhhh hahah holy shit you have the worst luck!!


Y/n: i don't think he saw me just when i said that the ghoul turns and sees me and when i was going run out there but turns out there was one more ghoul. i was thinking of asking  tiffany for help  but i remember what he said  and got in a argument.


Y/n: hey tiffany! tiffany! tiffany!!

tiffany: what do you what!!

Y/n: can i get another skill so I can survive when i change to a human please!

tiffany: oh hell no! your  go to ask me for help ever single  time aren't you!?!

Y/n: fine i can do this my self if I new that you were going to be a dick about!

tiffany: oh did you forget that, I'm a god hahaha so I'm going to give you a present very soon and i hope you like it.


Y/n: you son off of bitch so this what you meant by present tiffany!

A/n: sorry if forget to mention time stops when your talking to tiffany so you wont get robbed or killed.

tiffany: what are you talking Y/n so you found out what I meant when I said present so how does it feel to be working with CCG its going to be so much fun.

Y/n: what!? no I mean making so I met this two ghouls. wait so your not the one that planed this and I'm in the CCG how does that work? Wait forgot your god so how am I going to survive this unless your going to help me.

tiffany: OOOHH HELL NO!! this your problem deal with it your self and some edvies raise your luck it be boring if you die and plz try and level up so you can get some skills.

Y/n: well shit how do I fight  of a ghoul If I cant hurt him maybe, if find a broken tea cup and try and cut him like that one episode kanike cut him self and I totally call bullshit. I try and look around to find some thing to defend my self . Than I here a noise and its CGG investigator I'm saved.

random investigator: Hey kid hurry up and run *takes out quinque* 

Y/n: the random investigator told me to run and looked back to see in anyone was following me and I see something going strait for me, I try to dodge like goku ultra instinct so I close my eyes and try to dodge but I tripped on nothing and hear a scream.

background character: (really high scream) aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh wtf!!  is that a hand *faints*


reward: level up five time and a random weapon and two random skills.

failure: death

Do you accept YES or NO 

Y/n: yes

A/n: Will Y/n survive this  battle or will he become a snack to the ghoul  find out next time in dragon ball z.

Y/n: wait this not dragon ball z this my story dattebayo .

Naruto: don't steal my catch phrase. 

A/n: I know this really short  and haven't been updating any of my story's and hope you forgive me.

word count: 622

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