chapter 3

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 Last time on Ghoul Gamer 

will Y/n survive his first quest or will he die. Find out now!

I'm sorry i had to do it ok the story starts now.

Y/n: what the fuck was that about ok lets find a weapon to kill the those two so i can live and find a way  to survive in this god dam world.  were there someone that going to eat me at any time and place. i cant tell them apart. Well that just my luck know were is the ghoul investigator. Well time to go try hard.

You see his quinque it look like long sword colored black  the handle had some wired looking knifes.

As you walked to the two ghouls feasting on the body of the dead investigator you sneak behind them and stab one of the in the heart  the other one jumps back and hits you with his kugane but your able to block it in time to save your self from le...

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As you walked to the two ghouls feasting on the body of the dead investigator you sneak behind them and stab one of the in the heart  the other one jumps back and hits you with his kugane but your able to block it in time to save your self from lethal strike, you than ran straight at him as he aim's for your head you dodge and slash his arm off as blood start to spray hole ton of blood you end his life by beheading him as his head rolls of.


Reward: level up five time and a random weapon and  two random skills.

weapon name: Betrayal

Skills gain

Master instrument : able to play the any instrument like a pro

Stealth: Lvl: 5/10 able to hid and not be found good for assassination



Lvl 5 exp 0/210

Title: Gamer

Hp: 400

STR: 42

DEX: 54

CON: 24

INT: 40

WIS 35

CHA: 25

LUK: 0

Y/n: why is my luck zero  wait was my luck a negative form the being no wonder my life was shit how did i not die that means that was dumb luck know to put this a way inventory as i put Betrayal away so i don't lose it well know to find some were i can work.

as you were looking for a job you found a cafe called anteiku as you walk in you found  a violin you ask if you can play a song  they let you use it as you were thinking what to play you chose a random song that you like.

after you finished you heard cheering   you notice that some were recording you than one off the waiters  she had blue hair her right eye was covered by her hair she told that if you what to work here and play songs and help out of course you said yes.

word count: 464

(A/n):that its for today and sorry that it was to short and please comment if you like it or if you hate this chapter. Well till next time.

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