Meant to Be

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Meant to Be.

I think it's best,

To leave, depart,

For what was,

Is no longer needed,

We were great I know,

But I suppose,

It's time to take a bow,

The curtain has been called,

The final is past,

And echos of silent praise,

Is the only sound that is heard,

In a time of acceptance,

A place of change,

We fought,

Against what wasn't meant to be,

At first things flowed,

Like the autumn leaves in the wind,

But the wind stops,

Once the fire's been put out,

We became trapped,

Amongst rocks and splintered wood,

Shards of broken glass,

And heated embers of the flame,

Fighting we could do no longer,

Until eventually we stopped,

We stopped fighting for us,

We stopped struggling against the current,

We became like one of them,

A soulless abyss,

Complete with never ending days,

Just trying to fit in,

They say when you find it,

You know,

When you find it,

You never stop fighting,

Fighting against that current of opposition,

Tormenting your world,

Only made bearable by your presence,

I guess we haven't found it yet,

Because it's time to let you go.


Something extremely personal and close to heart. This was hard to write and post, I've kept my feelings about this subject away for so long and never wanted to let go of that person. But, as is said often, good things come to an end. I guess the time to recognise the end of something special to me was now.

Thank you for reading, my firend. I enjoy your company. Sometimes you need someone close by if you're walking a lonely path.

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