Bambam - Comforting Smile

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Bambam likes a girl with a pretty smile.


Yana was writing carefully in her notebook. The teacher was going on about some Chinese dynasty, but she wasn't paying attention. She was writing down song ideas.

Suddenly, the class burst into laughter. Krishma, the girl in the front row by the window, had fainted on her desk. All the boys were screaming and cheering. Noone liked Krishma.

Krishma was a bully. Not physically, but her words often stung. Yana had felt the sting of those words before, and she wasn't too fond of Krishma. But she still felt bad for her.

The teacher was shaking Krishma while shooting death glares at the students. Soon, the school nurse came and Krishma was carried out of the room.

Some kids were betting and hoping that she was gonna die, or at least not come back. Yana watched in silence. She wasn't sure how she was feeling, or how to process the situation.

She found out later that Krishma was staying in the hospital.

-The Following Day-

"Are you family?" the nurse asked.

Yana nodded. "Yea. I'm her cousin." The nurse looked at Yana skeptically before opening the door for her. Yana ran through and down the hall. She stopped before an open room.

Krishma was laying on a white bed, two IV's sticking out from her arm. She looked terrible. Her eyes were sunken and surrounded by dark circles. Her skin was a sickly pale. She was reading Oliver Twist, completely absorbed in her own world.

Yana knocked on the door frame. "Krishma?"

Krishma looked up and surprise crossed her face. "Yana? What are you doing here?"

"I came to bring you this." Yana held out a little stuffed teddy bear. The plushie was old and its artificial fur was matted, but it still looked cute. "It always brought me comfort when I was in the hospital, so I thought that he would bring you comfort too!"

Krishma took the little bear and stroked its fur. "You were in the hospital before?"

Yana sat down on the edge of the bed. "Yeah. I used to get heatstroke a lot."

"Wow, that's not fun!"

"Nope! It's terrible."

The girls both giggled for no good reason. "Yana?"


"What happened yesterday?"

"You fainted, and, and, everybody laughed."

Krishma's eyes welled with tears. "I knew it," she whispered.

Before she knew what she was doing, Yana had wrapped Krishma in a gentle hug. Krishma cried into her shoulder. "Thank you," Krishma said before falling asleep.

"You're welcome," Yana whispered as she tucked Krishma in.

After that, Yana tried to visit the hospital every day. She and Krishma would just sit and talk and laugh. Sometimes, Yana would sing. Yana actually grew to love Krishma like a sister, and discovered that she actually wasn't that bad.

One day, her and Krishma were talking as usual, when a large clump of hair fell off of Krishma's head. She grabbed the hair, a horrorfied expression on her face. "Krishma," Yana asked, worried.

Krishma shook her head. "No, I'm fine! I started the treatment yesterday. I knew this would happen, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

Yana tried to give her a comforting smile and grabbed her hand. "When all your hair falls out, I'll buy us matching wigs and we can both wear them all the time! Would you like that?"

"Can they be orange?"

"Of course!" Both the girls laughed.

Just then, a young boy ran into the room. He was breathing hard and looked at Krishma. "Krishma!" he yelled. Then he ran over and hugged her. Yana was startled. "Who's this?" the boy asked, gesturing to Yana.

"That's Yana," Krishma answered. "She's my bestfriend!"

The boy grabbed Yana by the shoulders and kissed her forehead. "My name is Bambam! Thanks for taking care of my cousin!"

"Um, you're welcome."

Bambam and Krishma talked for a long time and eventually Yana left. But as she walked away, she heard Krishma whisper, "When I'm gone, can you take care of her?"

"Of course," Bambam answered.

-The Following Year-

Krishma's grave laid there cold and lonely. Yana wiped away a tear the was slideing down her cheek. Bambam sighed and wrapped his arms around her, warming her with a back hug. "Please don't cry. I miss her too, but she's better now."

"I know," Yana whispered, turning in his arms. "But you're going to Seoul soon and now she's gone, and you two are the only true friends I've ever had! I'm losing everything!"

Bambam slowly kissed her lips. "Not everything Yana. I'll come back for you and bring you to South Korea once I have a stable situation that I can take care of you in."


"I promise. I love you Yana."

"I love you too."


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