Second Day of Training

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 Chapter 5

Second Day of Training

When life gives you something that makes you feel afraid, that's when you a chance to be brave.

The following day is somewhat tolerable... In the morning, at least. When I woke up, I felt renewed and serene, which I honestly wasn't expecting. I was bracing myself to wake up with a racing heart and clammy hands, since that was how I recently started my mornings... What a fantastic way to start the day, huh?
After my little chat with Marvel, I had gone back into my room and fallen asleep without even trying. It was sometime around eleven, and Ruby barged into my bedroom at eight in the morning. I fully slept through the night, without any bad dreams or disturbances. It was pleasant, for a change. I fell asleep at about eleven, without even having to try. I found out things about Marvel's personal life, more than any of the other tributes would know. I told him mostly everything about me. I don't know why I did it.

Either, A, It was all harmless and it won't be held against me in the arena, or B, he'll use the information to betray me mentally and physically in the arena. It could go both ways, but I'm bracing myself for whichever one happens. Marvel and I might only be acquaintances, but there's something about him that makes me feel like just maybe I can trust him. I didn't feel so alone when we were talking. There he is, someone else going through the exact thing as I am. I was appreciative that he was my district partner. He can come off as shallow at times, but underneath all of that is another normal person.
I throw on the same uniform as yesterday, and endure thirty minutes of breakfast time with everyone else. When Marvel and I sat together, things weren't so awkward and forced as they once were. It all went smoothly, and quietly. There was a sense of unspoken communication between us, whenever he'd make some sarcastic gesture to some eccentric thing that Ruby or Cashmere would say. I answered back with a half-smile.

The Training Center was packed, even though we had gotten here twenty minutes early. This time, I went straight over to the knives station, where Clove had just left. Again, she didn't miss a single one of those targets. I had very little experience with throwing knives, but I was good at wielding them during close-combat situations. I pick up a few of the steel-bladed knives, feeling the weight of them in my hands. I stand in front of the first target, which is in the shape of a human body. Aim for the heart. I ready the knife in my right hand, and get into the correct stance. 3, 2, 1, GO! I pull my arm back, and sharply bring it forward, flicking my wrist and letting the knife fly through the air.

Lower side of the body's center.

I walk up to it, pulling the knife from the target. I notice that it left a deep mark inside of it. If the wound is deep enough, it's capable of being life threatening. I study the impact of the throw. I close my eyes and strain to remember the specific organs that laid in the area. Appendix. The knife landed in that exact spot. Can cause internal bleeding and fatal damage to this vital part.

Not the heart, but it's better than fully missing the target.

I continue to throw knives for only fifteen minutes, since I'm already well aware that this isn't my strongest point, and I shouldn't be wasting my time trying to learn a new skill that I won't be using. When I'm putting the knives away, I look up to see Clove, glaring at me from afar. She's waiting in line at The Gauntlet. She doesn't break her stare, even when she notices me looking right back at her. I bet she's already planning my death. Joke's on her, because I'll be nowhere near her once the Games start.
My eyes graze around the huge gym, observing what everyone else is up to. I set my gaze onto Marvel, who's at the spear station. As he chucks the spear forward, it lands roughly into the center of the target. I wince at watching the impact that the spear makes. I'm about to turn away, when an idea comes to mind. I eagerly begin jogging up to him, forming a small smile over my lips. I lightly tap his shoulder, casusing him the lower the spear he was currently handling, yet again.

"Well hey," Marvel greets warmly, cracking a closed-mouthed smile. "What's up?" He asks, still hanging onto the spear.

"Just finished throwing some knives.. Although, I don't think it's really for me." I pause, fumbling with my thumbs.

"You're pretty great with a spear.. Mind teaching me a few things or two? I can help you with hand-to-hand, if you'd wanna try." I chirp, attempting to sound hopeful. I didn't mind teaching him a couple of things, if it meant learning something new.

He's quiet for a moment, thinking it over. He smiles again and nods his head.

"Sure. Grab a spear and we'll get started." Now I nod, and head over to a nearby rack that held the other weapons. I grab a spear, and stand back at his side.

I spend the hour learning the basics of using a spear. The right way to throw it, and the wrong way. How to aim and such. Where to aim. By the end of our little lesson, I'm tossing the spear just as him. It hits the same place as he does, just a little off to the left. It's not perfect, but I mean, come on. If someone gets hit anywhere by a spear, they're most likely bound to die. We put the weapons back up, and stand amidst the center.

"I'm going to try out the swords. I'll meet you again after lunch, for hand-to-hand?"

"You bet."

I spin around on my heel, making my way to the swords station. I'm suddenly stopped, when a hand wraps around my arm, softly pulling me back. My brows pull together when I see Marvel.

"Just, be careful, Rose." He tells me, and I'm not sure why he's so concerned. His eyes are upturned onto the single tribute also at the station. The boy from 2. He's like a pro, with the regular swords. I almost want to retreat because of how intimidated I get, but I refuse. I glance back at Marvel, lightly shrugging.

"I will. See you later." I bid him goodbye, and start onto the station.

I'm unsure of what type of sword to choose. After a few seconds, I pick up a short sword. The blade is made of shiny, silver steel, while the handle is a plain black tone. It feels lighter than I would've thought, and I know I've picked a good one. The regular swords would be too heavy and look awkward in my hands. I catch the boy from 2 slicing the dummies limbs and jabbing into them swiftly. I gulp to myself. Don't back out now. I raise my head high, and try not to acknowledge that there's a cold-blooded killer standing only a couple of feet away from me.


I keep the girl from District 1 in my sights, watching as she precisely looks over the piercing that her first knife made into the target. My gaze wanders over to Clove, who's glaring her down with scorn burning through her dark eyes. There was not a doubt in my mind that Clove was criticizing her every move, especially when it comes to throwing knives. She's the best at it, and she knows it. It's the one thing she takes most of her pride for. It comes as a sort of natural talent for her. She's not afraid to show it, either.
My eyes flicker back over to 1, who's now with her district partner, Marvel. The two of them seem to be talking about something, but I can't make anything out of it. It finally clicks, when she grabs a spear, and rejoins the boy. This is the first I've seen her training with another tribute. For a split-second, the thought of them together sends a pang of annoyance through me. Twelve seems to be doing the same thing. They must be planning something. Is 1 doing the same? I quickly shake my head after that. They're not that stupid. My hands clench tighter around the handle of the sword. They seem like good friends. Were they friends before this? The probability of it is high. Clove and I are close. I've known her since I was enrolled into the academy.

I'm not sure of how long it's been, but soon enough, I spot the redheaded girl walking my way. She's stopped by Marvel. They hardly even looked at one another, yesterday, and now they've practically spent half of the training day together. Suspicion arose in me, and I wanted to know what they had planned. Surely, they're not going to stray the Pack. If both- or even one- leaves, they'll be dead in no less than two days. I resume to plunge the blade into the heart of the dummy. No. Neither of them could possibly do something so idiotic.
The sound of a weapon being picked up snaps me out of my trance. I steal a subtle glance in the direction of the noise. It's her again. She's just picked up a sword, well, a short handed one. She examines it for a brief moment, before sauntering over to an unused dummy. I stand up straight, cocking my head to the side and waiting expectantly. I took the opportunity to get a good look at her. The only other time I had really seen her, was during the parade. Everything about her looked, to say the least, delicate. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Good, because it makes herself look more appealing (and yes, I do think she just might be appealing) but bad, because it convinces others that she could easily be broken in half. There was a glint of determination in her eyes, though. She's still a threat, no matter how she may look.

I hold back my amused laughter, at the sight of her swinging the sword around with both hands. She could barely pass as being alright. Her attempt to slice off an arm failed, and quite miserably, too. It got jammed halfway, and by the look on her face, she wasn't expecting that. A wild thought flashes through my head. It wouldn't hurt to have some fun. I wouldn't classify her as sexy, but she doesn't seem too hard to get. I stride up behind her, snaking my arms firmly around her. Her body immediately becomes rigid against mine, and her hands shift uncomfortably as I tend to her grip on the sword.

"You're not holding it right. You've got to move your fingers here," I fasten three of her fingers around the back of the hilt, and the other two in front. "And relax your elbows." I whisper, lightly pressing my mouth against her ear.

I lay my hands over hers, and presume to raise the sword. In one rousing movement, the other remaining arm falls to the ground, exhilaratingly.

"See? Just like that." I make sure that she feels my breath against her neck. "I don't think we've properly met. I'm Cato." Closer. She's falling for it. She begins to relax, and achievement wells up in my chest.

But, in a matter of seconds, I'm aggressively shoved away. I stumble a little, shocked that a small girl like her could manage so much force.

"If you think I'm going to be fooled into some one-time hook up, then you should get your mind out of the gutter. Especially with some arrogant, conceited moron!" She seethes, gritting her teeth angrily. My jaw clenched furiously. That little....

"You're not as brave as you think. Sure now, you're standing up to me. There's Peacekeepers all around here, protecting you. But, no one will protect you in the arena. Consider yourself dead. Because when I find you, you won't even have another chance to breathe." I step forward, not once breaking my glare from her eyes. Her frightened, exasperated wide eyes. With that, I back up, now noticing the few tributes who have seen the argument. Good. They'll know not to mess with me.

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