Interviews and The Games

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 Chapter 7

Interviews and the Games

Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life. And everyone deserves a little sunshine. 

In the middle of the day, I still have yet to see what my outfit will be for tonight's Tribute interviews. Marvel and I are separated for half of the day, since the process of getting us ready lasts quite a while. I was currently under the task of getting my hair styled by Amethyst, while Valora and Petri resumed to do my makeup. It felt more like they were painting a variety of different substances onto my face, only because I hardly ever did my makeup back home. I didn't see any logical need for it, because there was nobody I was trying to impress.

It was an A-Line, form-fitting . The light color of the pink gave of a sheen reflection of the sparkles that were embroided into the fabric. The sides and the back of my dress were cut out, exposing some areas of my skin. Only, my skin wasn't it's usual pale tone. The sponges that they had been rubbing on my body, had in fact been applying silver glitter over me, causing the peachy undertone to give off the effect that my skin was illuminating.

I'd never seen anything like it... It was amazing.

I let my eyes wander over the rest of myself, seeing that my hair was pinned up into an bun. There were two, shiny butterfly accessories fastened along the side of my head, giving the outfit more of a delicate appearance.

"It's amazing, Atlas. What made you choose the butterflies?" I ask, still glancing at the dress in the mirror. They never failed to make me look completely unalike myself. But I actually liked it. I suddenly wasn't the same scared little girl, but a strong young woman. I would be able to pull this off.

"You go where you please, and please wherever you go," He merely responds. "Just as they do." I think about it for a moment. I've been compared to so many things, and so many people as well, but never a butterfly. My whole outlook was changed. The idea of being considered 'graceful,' and 'bold' became fond to me. At least, it was better than being thought less of.

"Thank you." I say, truly appreciating his thoughtfulness. He smiles warmly at me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Atlas is a close second to being one of the kindest people I know, apart from my father and Leo. It was funny how I've met him in the midst of this dark time. I remember my dad telling me that when you really need them the most, God will send the right people into your life. Whether it was to help you through it, or to learn from them, so that you'd be prepared for the future. My dad was always like that. His constant positivity never faded away, not even when he was on his death bed. I'll forever admire that about him.

"We should get you and Marvel out there now. You're going to be the first one up." I nod slowly, and tread carefully out of the room with Atlas. Having to face a crowd of more than a thousand people was nerve-wracking, but I could do it. I have to.

After being escorted out backstage, Atlas tells me a few last words of comfort, until all of the other Tributes stand in the line.

"Let's give a warm round of applause for the absolutely stunning, Rosalie Quinn!" Caesar booms cheerfully to the crowd, to which I begin stepping out onto the brightly-lit stage. The crowd reacts with a profound amount of applause and cheering, which confirms that they actually do like my choice of attire.

Instead of going for the usual handshake, or let him kiss my hand, I decide to do something different. I pull Caesar in for a hug, despite that he doesn't react to it as quickly as I thought he would.

"And she's friendly, too. Is there anything you're not capable of?" Caesar announces in the microphone, receiving a wave of good-hearted laughter from the audience. I force myself to laugh along with them, wanting to get through the interview as smoothly as possible.

I take a seat in the chair beside his, folding my hands neatly on my lap and holding my chin high.

"So, tell me. How's your stay been so far?" I was relieved that the first question was something nice and simple. This, I could answer.

"Honestly, it's a bit like home. Minus the factories and such."

"Yes, I can imagine. Is there perhaps, a special young man back home?" 'The million dollar question that everyone wants to know about the Tributes.

"Apart from my brother, Leo, I'll have to say no." I earn more appeasing laughs from the crowd.

"Really? Well, you seem like the kind of girl that any young man would want to be with." I shake my head, throwing out a hand.

"Caesar, please." I laugh, although I really wasn't the type of girl that was bombarded by boys 24/7.

"No, I mean it. Now, on a serious note, are you prepared?" Caesar asks, leaning in slightly.

"I see no other choice but to be." I said the first thing that came to mind. The people found some humor in that, softly laughing at my words.

"Ah, very true, Miss Quinn. As for your Reaping tape, you've volunteered for a younger girl. Was she your friend, maybe a relative?" Again, I shake my head.

"Not that I'm aware of." I joke lightly, since it's been the one thing keeping the tension away.

"So, it was just an average gesture then? If so, does this by any chance have to do with your brother, Blaze?" Here we go. No one had warned me about this. I didn't even expect any questions about Blaze to be asked... I'm so stupid. Of course he would ask me this. Everyone probably thinks of me as some blood-thirsty Career, wanting to avenge my brother's life in the arena. Who wouldn't make that assumption of me? It makes perfect sense. But I'm not like that. What good would killing this year's District 7 Tributes do for me? Nothing. It would only make me look like a psychopath.

I pause before I answer him. Whatever I say will make or break me.

"I can understand why that would seem like the case, although I've just made the decision to volunteer on my own, without any intentions of my brother coming to mind." I explain softly and steadily. Good, Rose. Caesar nods his head with ease.

"I'm sure he'd be very proud of you."

Hold it together.

"Thank you." I form a smile.

You can do this.

I watch as Caesar then stands up, whilst helping me up at the same time. He kisses the top of my hand, before holding it up high in the air.

"Well, it was truly lovely having you here with us. Ladies and gentlemen, Rosalie Quinn!" An uneasy feeling settled into my stomach. That was a goodbye, wasn't it?

Marvel goes through his interview in a breeze, cracking jokes with him charming attitude. It's easy for the people to love him.

As I watched the rest of the interviews go by, I payed close attention to Cato's. His attitude was the same as it always was; arrogant and full of pride. Of course the Capitol admired him.

Before his interview had ended, there was one certain phrase of his that I kept in mind.

"I'm prepared, vicious. I'm ready to go."

The rest of the interviews are finished with quickly. The girl from 12 is without a doubt the most beautiful Tribute here. Her dress even lit up in flames when she twirled around. As it turns out, Katniss had volunteered for her little sister. It's no wonder she's being commended for her rare act. But, that isn't the only interesting thing about the 12 Tributes. Her partner, Peeta, is supposedly in love with her. Talk about drama. I'd bet that the Capitol's eating it up. They love when things like this happen.
I'm absolutely worn out from the day's events. When I get back into the apartment, I immediately take a shower. Marvel and I don't talk that night. I sort of going into a state of tuning everyone out. I'm not in the mood to be making any pointless conversations. But I was okay.

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