Goodbye and Hello

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 Chapter 9

Goodbye and Hello

Sometimes, only one person is missing, yet the world feels so empty. 

"Attention, Tributes, Attention."

I peel my eyes open at the voice echoing across the forest. I raise my head up from the cushion of my arm, which was now sore. Maybe sleeping on my side wasn't such a bright idea. Now I've gotta learn the hard way.

"Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something, desperately. And we plan to be... generous hosts."

I'm still so groggy that I'm conflicted between believing this is real or not. I rub the sleep from my eyes, pushing away loose strands of hair that had escaped my ponytail through the night. I take a glance over at Finch, who's just woken up as well. A tired and puzzled expression covers her face, looking over at me with narrowed eyes.

At least it confirms that I'm not having some whacky dream.

We decided to get up then, since there was no way either of us would be able to get back to sleep.

The rest of the day was quiet, with not even a mention of the feast. Of course I was wondering what she was thinking about that, but I didn't want to be the one to bring it up. I continued to contemplate the announcement in my head, over and over again. What did I need? I didn't require any medicine, food, or water. Finch and I had that covered.

Maybe a better weapon.

That night, as we laid a foot apart on two seperate limbs of the tree, the silence was finally broken.

"It's time, 1." She says, softly. I almost don't hear her at first, considering how the softness of her voice so easily blends in with the sounds of the night.

My feet shift against the bark, lifting my brows up in curiosity.

"What is?" I ask, attempting to match her level of tone. You never know who could be wandering around at this time.

"For us. We've gotta go our own ways." She replies, without any hesitation.

I remind myself that there's not time to get personal in these Games. There's no room for any type of emotion, other than being alert and ready.

So, I suck it up. I nod my head to myself, slowly accepting it and moving on.

"Alright. When?"

She takes a few seconds to answer, and I begin to think that she hadn't really covered that part yet.

"Sunrise." Finsh finally says, but there was a slight change in her voice.

I had a feeling she didn't want to do this just as much as I didn't, but we both understood that things were beginning to change so quickly. Neither of us wanted to be together when the Games are nearing an end.

"Alright." I say, staring up at the lightly swaying leaves hanging above me.

It takes me a while to fall asleep, but when I do, I'm grateful that I can have a few hours to forget that I'm here.


 Finch wakes me up early in in the morning, so early that the sky is still a little dark. She was planning on going to the feast, so I suppose she just wants to be prepared.

I hadn't decided if I would be going. I had some food, and even if I ran out, I knew what plants and berries were safe to eat. I could get water from any lake, and just pour the iodine in there to purify it. And I still had my knife. Sure, it's only useful for close-range fighting, but it's better than nothing.

I grab my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder as I stand up to face Finch.

"I guess this is goodbye." I start, awkwadly. I was never too good at goodbyes.

"I guess so. Stay out of trouble, alright?" She responds, cocking her head to the side.

I laugh a little, shaking my head softly.

"Can't make any promises."

She smirks at that, before raising her hand up, extending her arm out toward me.

I welcome the gesture, shaking her hand with a firm grip. But I can't resist to pull her in, throwing her off guard by enveloping her in a hug.
She was my ally for a few days, but for a few days, I wasn't alone. I think its safe to say that we were a pretty good team.

At first, she doesn't react. Finch's approach was no avoid any means of forming any type of bond with anyone. I can't really blame her.

But, for those last five seconds, she rests her left arm on my back.

All in all, this goodbye wasn't such a bad one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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