~How you first met~

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  You were just walking back from the grocery carrying bags of fruits and veggies. You weren't really paying attention to where you were going and someone running by accidently knocked you down.

  "Hey!" You yelled at the person who knocked you down. "Watch where you're going!" You sat up and started to pick up the stray fruits and veggies that fell out of your bag.

  "Oh geez, I'm so sorry!" You looked up and saw a guy standing above you, smiling apologetically. You couldn't help but stare at beautiful blue eyes and the way his blonde hair swept over his eyes.

"Let me help you pick that stuff up." He said apologetically. His handsomeness left you tongue tied so all you could do nod. "I'm Naruto by the way." He said smiling in a way that you thought was so cute. "I'm (y/n)," You said. You both reached for the stray apple at the same time and your hands touched.

You blushed as he didn't let go of your hand, but instead looked up and stared your (e/c) eyes. After a moment he smiled and let go of the apple and stood up. "Thank you, Naruto-kun." You said also standing up. "Yeah, anytime. I hope I can see you again." He didn't even wait for your reply before running off in the direction he was headed earlier. "Ya, I'd like that." You muttered to yourself, smiling.


You were so freaking pissed right now. You were trying to finish your classwork at the Leaf Village Ninja Academy, but you couldn't concentrate because all the girls in your class were fangirling over a photo of Sasuke. You've never met Sasuke before, you just transfered here. The most annoying of the fangirls, Sakura Haruno, was trying to keep the photo for herself causing the other girls to start fighting over the picture. You couldn't take the screaming anymore, the constant obsessiveness over the godamn Sasuke Uchiha.

"Shut up!" You yelled rising from your chair abruptly. The classroom turned quiet as you angrily stalked out of the room, leaving what you were working on. As soon as the door closed behind you, you could hear the fangirls argueing yet again over the photo. You sighed as you walked to the girls bathroom feeling annoyed and exhausted.

  You washed your face in the sink and looked at your reflection in the mirror. Presentable. As you were walking down the hallway, you closed your eyes trying to clear your head. Someone knocked into you (I'm so original) and you fell. You kept your eyes closed bracing yourself for impact, but it never came.

   You slowly opened your eyes to see that Sasuke caught you midfall. His hand was grabbing your arm while his other hand was stuffed in his pocket. He pulled you to your feet and said cooly," You should be more careful, idiot." "Whatever," You said sharply pulling your arm out of his grasp. After a moment of awkward silence you said politely,"Thanks though." "Whatever," He said mocking me while walking away. Was he.... smiling?


   You loved dogs. You have 3  already at home and loved spending your time at a well known dog adoption center in Konoha. You always brought your dog Cookie with you to the adoption center.

   "Ah, (y/n)! Good to see you again!" The manager greeted you. "Hello!" You greeted warmly. You knew every staff person here and they knew you as well. You were like part of the family. "And hello, Cookie!" The manager also greeted your dog. Cookie barked in reply. "Do you need help with anything?" You asked the manager. "I feel so guilty making you work, but if you insist. Can you feed the dogs?" "I'm on it." You replied. "Come, Cookie." You called to him and he barked happily. He loved this as much as you do.

    You finished feeding the dogs and by then it was time to go home when suddenly Cookie ran off. "Hey Cookie! Come back here!" You called running after him. He wasn't normally like this. "Oi, Akamaru! Stop running!" You heard a guy's voice call out. You saw Cookie stop and embrace another dog with brown ovals on its ears but the rest of his body was completely white. "Cookie, you know you're not supposed to leave me." You scolded picking up your dog.

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