~First Date Pt.2~

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"Wow, their wings are so beautiful!" You exclaimed reaching out to touch them. "Shino! Look at this pretty butterfly!" For your first date, Shino took you to a butterfly museum where they actually had a place full of live butterflies. You've always wanted to go to a place like this. Shino walked up beside you and glanced at the tiny insect.

"Nice," was all he said. Stoic Shino. Nothing unusual there. "Cmon, Shino lighten up," You said playfully slapping his arm. "I am lightened up," He said as a pink butterfly landed on his head. You giggled. It looked like Shino had a pink bow in his hair. Shino just looked at you questioningly. "Hold still," You commanded still giggling.

You had to tippy toe a bit to reach out your hand out so the butterfly could walk on it. You and Shino were very close when you were reaching out to the insect. Your cheeks were touching. "Tada!" You exclaimed holding the butterfly in your hand, showing Shino. You gave him a closed eye smile as the pink butterfly flew away. Shino suddenly grabbed your hand and placed a small object in it.

You opened your eyes in bewilderment then smiled even wider when you saw what he had given you. "Shino, I love it," You gasped happily. He had given you a hair clip with small diamond butterflies on it. You put the pretty clip in your hair and gave Shino a warm, loving hug. "Thank you Shino. It's beautiful. I feel kinda bad that I get you anything."

Shino stroked your hair comfortingly," It's okay (y/n), you didn't have to get me anything," He ended his sentence by kissing the top of your head. In the spur of the moment, you forgot that you were in public. You got some strange looks, but you both didn't care. Shino was the one to step out of the embrace and he grabbed your hand as you continued to tour the rest of the butterfly museum.


"So, for our first date, we're gonna be at your house, playing Shogi?" You asked bewildered. "My folks aren't home," Shikamaru added, like that would make it better. It didn't.

"C'mon (y/n)-chan, let's play some Shogi," Shikamaru said, leading you outside. You were greeted with a table with a Shogi board on it. You had seen him play Shogi with Asuma before and it was so DAMN boring! He always did that weird hand sign to help him think which took forever and you never payed attention to the boring ass game. Please add you date to the list of failed first dates in the world.

"Okay Shika, let's get this over with," You sighed a bit unhappily. You thought Shikamaru, being the brainiac that he is, would've planned a better date. What the heck is Shika thinking? You thought sitting cross legged in front of the low table. "Your move first (y/n)," Shikamaru said. You sighed again. B.O.R.I.N.G!!!

~~~1 hour later~~~

"My god (y/n), you look so engrossed in this game," Shikamaru said looking amused. "Sh-sh-SH! Concentrating!" You exclaimed huffily. You were one move away from winning this incredibly awesome game. You moved a piece and tried to supress a smirk that was trying to make its way to your face. Imagine, you, a beginner in Shogi, beating the smartass intelluct Shikamaru Nara, who plays Shogi like a pro.

It all came down to Shika-kun moving just one certain piece. Just that one piece. You mentally willed it to happen. It seemed like time slowed down, Shikamaru's hand hovering over the piece that needed to be moved in order for you to win. But at the last second, he moved his hand to the piece that held your defeat. You lost.

"Noooooo!!!" You screamed and hung your head down in defeat. Shikamaru snickered. "So did you have fun on our first date?" You looked up. "You smart ass mother fudger!" Shikamaru just laughed. "Ya, you liked it, you troublesome woman," Shikamaru's grin seemed to get wider and wider which made you more and more annoyed. Oh hell ya! It's payback time!

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