~First date Pt.1~

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"Hurry up, Naruto-kun! Where are you taking me?" You asked annoyed. Naruto blindfolded you and was leading you somewhere."Isn't that the point of a blindfold? You're not supposed to see were you're going?" He asked, probably smirking. You stuck out your tongue. "Haha," You laughed sarcastically. "We're here!" Naruto exclaimed removing the blindfold. Naruto told you he was taking you on a date, but he thought blindfolding you would make this more memorable. You gasped as you looked at the scene before you.

You were high up on a balcony with a clear view of the Hokage Mountain (Sry don't know what's it called). There was a small table with a pretty pink table cloth covering it and candles in the center were the only source of light. Two covered dishes sat on the table in front of two seats. In short, it was a very romantic scene.

"Naruto-kun!" You squealed in delight. Naruto grinned and offered a chair for you in a very gentlemany (new word!) manner. You sat down and he sat down across from you, grinning. "Guess what's on out plates?" Naruto asked. "Its so obvious," You said teasingly," Ramen."  He chuckled. "Actually, no," Naruto lifted both of the dishes at the same time to reveal your favorite food! You gasped. "Naruto-kun!" You were soooo confused. It wasn't ramen?!?!?

Naruto smiled. "I told you we aren't having ramen. I would gladly give up ramen for you, (y/n)-chan. You are worth much more than that," Knowing this was the most poetic Naruto would get, you were very moved. He would gladly give up his ramen for you which meant something coming from Naruto.

You both ate quietly, just enjoying each others company and holding hands.


You knocked on Sasuke's door, dressed in a pretty floral dress that went up to your knees. Sasuke told you that the date would be at his house. Not very impressive for a first date, but then again this was Sasuke we are talking about. The guy was full of surprises. "Sasuke?" You called out. "On the roof!" You a heard a voice that sound like Sasuke's yell.

You jumped to the roof, using your awesome ninja skills, in 3.6 seconds (new record!) What you saw surprised you.

Sasuke's roof had a part where it was completely flat and it was about the size of two cars put next to each other. Around the flat area, there were about 12 torches (unlit) connected by rope, leaving a small gap for people to enter and exit. Sasuke sat in the middle of it all, sitting on a blanket with plates of yummy looking food surrounding him.

Sasuke beckoned you to sit next to him. With your mouth slightly agape, you sat silently next to him. "Are you gonna remain silent the entire time or are ya gonna say something?" He asked smirking at your reaction. "What all this?" You questioned gesturing to the scene, still shocked. "Our date," Sasuke replied in a duh! tone while taking your hand.

"Well, this is beautiful. You put so much effort for this date," You exclaimed squeezing his hand happily. "I'm not even done, (y/n)-chan," Sasuke chuckled removing his hand from yours.

He performed a few hand signs and created a mini version of his famous fireball jutsu technique. He aimed it at a torch, which lit up then ignited the rope, which lit up the next torch and the trend continued till the last torch.

You applauded. "Amazing Sasuke-kun!" He grinned, obviously pleased that you were impressed. "Now let's eat," He said grabbing the nearest bowl. You peered into the bowl. It seemed to be a mixture of brown Jell-O, soup, carrots, and chicken.

"Hehe," You chuckled nervously,"You see, Sasuke-kun, I'm uh...," You stammered trying to find an excuse not to eat this. "...allergic! Ya, I'm allergic to this," Sasuke looked at you pointedly. "You're a terrible liar,(y/n)," He stated. "Now try it," He grabbed a spoon and scooped whatever that glob of (possibly) edible food and told you to open your mouth. "Ehh," You squirmed a bit, but eventually you opened your mouth as Sasuke spoon fed you.

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