~When you come up with a nickname for him~

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"I'm gonna call you Whiskers" You began as you watched Naruto eat his ramen. Naruto stopped slurping his ramen for a moment. "You know, cus of the whiskers on your face," You pointed out. Like seriously bro, you just noticed that? "Good for you (y/n)-chan," Naruto replied, slightly sarcastic and continued eating. As you further examined Naruto's face, you fangirled over his adorable whiskers. You suddenly turned chibi and glomped him out of fangirl happiness, effectively spilling his ramen.

"Gah! (y/n)! You spilled my ramen!" Naruto cried out as his beloved ramen was now a puddle on the floor. You started anime crying (still in chibi form) and clung onto Naruto's leg and sobbed loudly. "I'm sowee Whisker-chan!" Naruto had no choice but to forgive you. You were too adorable~


"Duck butt! duck butt! Your hair looks like a duck's butt~" You sang off-key loudly as you considered it your duty to annoy a certain Uchiha. Said Uchiha glared at you. "Don't call me that," He responded in a very calm, but scary manner. "No way Duck Butt!" You shrieked as you sped off while laughing like lunatic.


"Hey Dog Boy," You greeted Kiba. He raised an eyebrow. "Dog Boy?" He questioned. "Hey! It's a good name! It suits you," You said defensively. "Whatever Puppy Eyes," He replied using his nickname for you. You grinned at that.


You were staring at Shino while he was reading for a very long amount of time. He finally glanced up from his book," Can I help you?" He asked in a monotone which startled you. " Wha- um no. I just , was like, thinking and stuff..." You mumbled. "What were you thinking about?" Shino asked in monotone. No surprise there. "Like, a nickname for you. I can't come up with anything!" You sighed. "I don't want a nickname," Shino replied, continuing to read his book. "Bu-" You started to protest, but Shino glanced at you again. Don't argue with Shino. Just don't.


"Get your lazy ass off the friggin sofa!" You shouted at Shikamaru, who was lazily laying on the couch like no one's business. Shikamaru made no attempt to move, he just looked at you and said," Hundred and fifty," You were confused. "What?" You questioned. You expected him to say it was to troublesome. "That was the 150th time you called me a lazy ass this month," Shikamaru explained smugly. "Whatevs! Like I care! Just move!" You huffed as you flipped him off the couch.


"Hey there fa-" You began to say but shut your mouth when you realized what you were gonna say. The one word that was taboo when it came to Choji. The word that starts with a "f" and ends with "atty". Choji looked at you with a dark aura surrounding him. "What were you going to say (y/n)?" He questioned calmly yet scarily. And it just so happened you were in the kitchen. And a set of knives were right by Choji's hand. Choose your words carefully. "Hehe... I wasn't gonna say anything. Gurl, why you acting so cra-cra?" You laughed attempting to lighten up the mood. It didn't work.

"Are you sure it was nothing, (y/n)?" Choji questioned again and a chainsaw was by his feet. Yas, gurl you heard correctly. A chainsaw. (I know I spelled yes wrong. I like spelling it like yas!) "Yup," You replied shakily, warily eyeing the chainsaw when an idea came to you. "Ermigosh Choji! Barbeque in the fridge! Yassss!" You exclaimed as you dived into the fridge, brought out some leftover BBQ, and thrust it onto Choji's arms. Immediately the world turned bright and happy and the almost said taboo word was forgotten.


"~Why so serious? No! They can't read my, can't read my, no they can't read my joker face! Cus I'm a psychopatic killer~" You sang to Paint's parody of Lady Gaga's Poker face. Neji scowled from the irritatingness of the song. "Please shut up," He said crossing his arms. "No way Mr. Grumpy Pants!" You exclaimed and proceded to play the song 50 times.


"Ermigosh! Panda-chan!" You squealed as you glomped Gaara who shoved you back to the ground. "Panda-chan! That was so mean," You pouted. Gaara raised a nonexsistent eyebrow. "Panda-chan?" He inquired. "Yasss! You look like a panda, Panda-chan!" You exclaimed and showed him a fan made drawing you found on the internet of him in an adorable panda outfit. "The evidence does not lie!" You squealed and ran off to buy a panda costume for Gaara.

Rock Lee

"Yosh! Good morning my youthful lotus princess!" Rock Lee greeted you with a bone crushing hug. "Ack! Good morning Lee," You greeted and you escaped his death hug with only minor injuries. Shocking. "You should really come up with a name for me (y/n)-chan! That way we both have names for each other and our relationship will blossom even further!" Lee exclaimed while dancing around with hearts in his eyes. "Um, lemme think," You said unfazed by Rock Lee's dramaticness.

You were trying to think of positive things for his nickname. Like a name that has something to do with his never ending energy or his vast determination. But only one thing came to mind. "Eyebrow Freak," You blurted out before you even realized what you said. Thankfully, Rock Lee is incredibly dense and took this as a compliment. He believed you were admiring his 'wonderfully lucious and beautiful eyebrows' His words not yours.

A/N Hello my cupcakes! That's what I'm calling you guys. My cupcakes. Anywho, I have decided to update every 10 days and I WILL stick to that unless I get run over by a car and have to stay in a hospital for a few weeks. But until that happens, I will update. Hope you cupcakes enjoyed this. I certainly enjoyed writing it. And thanks to the peeps who commented and voted. I'm so overjoyed! Lol does anyone still say that word overjoyed? But I will continue that skit thang if any of you read it. So without further ado, here it is-


Me: Now now, don't get pissy. I've made arrangements so that you are in the same room as someone you are friends with. Okay so it's gonna be

Naruto and Sasuke

Gaara and Shino

Shikamaru and Choji

Neji and Rock Lee

and Kiba and Akamaru count as two seperate organisms so they share a room. Any objection?

The reactions were mixed.

Naruto: Aw hell no!

Sasuke: I'm not sharing a room with the dobe.

Gaara: *doesn't care*

Shino: *expressionless*

Shikamaru: This is troublesome.

Choji: *eating some chips*

Neji: No way -_-

Rock Lee: Yosh! I share a bedroom with my rival! *fire in his eyes*

Kiba: Yea all right! *picks up Akamaru*

Akamaru: Woof! * is overjoyed*

Me: Yas yas. It's actually pretty late so imma gonna show you your rooms. Naruto and Duckbutt get room 1.

Sasuke: -_-

Me: Gaara and Shino get room 2. Shikamaru and Choji get room 3. Neji and Lee get room 4 and Kiba and Akamaru get room 5. I get room 6 and I'm warning you right now, if you look inside of my room I will personally gauge your eyeball out. Am I clear?

Naruto boys: Yes O_O

Me: Good. Now get your luggage and go to bed!

-----5 minutes later-----

*everyone is in bed but no one is asleep*


*everyone goes to sleep*


Lol I wish I could just say go to sleep and that person immediately falls asleep. Like I would do it to teacher during class so we don't have to work. I know it's not that interesting but the next one will be. Thank you for reading! Byeeee~<3

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