~When he asks you out on a date~

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You were at Ichiraku's Ramen eating your favorite, Miso ramen. When you finished and went to pay, Teuchi stopped you and said,"(y/n), have another bowl, on the house!" He smiled at you while handing you another bowl of Miso ramen.

You sat down and was about to start eating when you noticed something weird about the soup. Alphabet shaped noodles floaed on top the soup spelling 'Will you go out with me?' You stared at it dumbfounded as someone sat in the seat next to you.

"Hey (y/n), what's up?" Naruto asked smirking a bit. "Yes!" You screamed throwing your arms around his neck choking him with a hug. "Woah, I haven't even said anything yet!" He grinned hugging you back. "How'd you know it was me?" He asked. "Who else, dummy?" You said kissing his cheek. You both ate that bowl of ramen together then he walked you home.


You were taking a test when you noticed that someone threw a folded up piece of paper at you. You opened and saw that the paper said 'Go out with me? -Sasuke' You looked up and saw him staring at you from afar and he winked. You swooned. 'Yes Sasuke-kun!' You wrote down on the piece of paper and threw it back at him. He read it and smiled at you. Thankfully none of his fangirls saw that.

It took all you will power not to scream and shout outloud in happiness, as you were a fangirl as well. Needless to say though, you couldn't focus on your test and got a pretty bad grade.


You at the park with Kiba walking your dog, Cookie, while he was walking Akamaru. Akamaru and Cookie didn't have leashes so they ran off leaving you and Kiba alone strolling through the forest part of the park. The whole walk was filled with mostly silence with idle chat every now and then. Kiba was strangely silent, but you didn't really notice much as your mind was else where.

Then out of nowhere, Akamaru tripped you from behind sending you sprawling to the ground. "Hey, you all ri-" Kiba was interupted when Cookie slammed into him from behind and also sent him sprawling, on top of you. You both laughed nervously. "Heh, (y/n) would now be a bad time to ask you out?" Kiba questioned sheepishly. You giggled,"Course I'll go out with you Kiba." Kiba grinned,"Seriously?" You replied,"That's what I said. But could you please get off me? You're squishing certain places." "O-oh sorry," He got off you and helped you up. Then you both played with your dogs together till it was late.


You were walking home one night when you looked down and saw red rose petals that spelled out your name. Huh? You thought reaching down to pick one up. Then you saw more rose petals in the shape of an arrow leading straight ahead and decided to follow, being the curious person that you were.

When you reached the corner of a building, you more rose petals that were in the shape of an arrow telling you to head left. Then you saw more arrow shaped rose petals telling you to go right then straight again until finally you arrived at a dark alleyway. Swallowing your fear, you cautiously took a few steps forward with your eyes looking straight ahead. You gasped when you felt two strong arms hug you from behind and shivered when you felt the person's hot breath near you ear asking you,"Go out with me,(y/n)?" You instantly knew it was Shikamaru and turned around and hugged him tightly. "Is that a yes?" He asked teasingly hugging me back. "Of course," You replied kissing his cheek. He handed you a rose and kissed you back on the cheek then walked you home.



You were reading book outside under the shade of a tree after training. It was a nice sunny day and you were very absorbed in your book so you didn't notice the many bugs in front of you. You finally looked up when you heard the incredibly loud buzzing and gasped. A swarm of bugs banded together to spell out the words Will you go out with me? You smiled widely and stood up and screamed outloud,"Of course Shino!" The bugs buzzed off and you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and you smiled even wider.


"Hey (y/n), I wanted to give this to you," Choji exclaimed handing you a foil wrapped chocolate rose. "Thanks Choji! It's delicious!" You were already half way finished eating it. Choji sweatdropped. What could you say? You had a thing for sweets. "Well, I also wanted to ask you something," Choji said nervously, twiddling his thumbs. "Will you go out with me?" He asked handing you another chocolate rose. That sealed the deal. "Of course!" You screamed glomping him. You two embraced each other for a long time. Choji thought you were hugging him out of joy and love for him, but you were really just eating the chocolate behind his back.


*Huff puff huff puff* You panted as you and Neji were intensely training. "Let's take a break," You said panting. "Ya," Neji agreed also panting slightly. You grabbed a bottle of water and tossed another bottle to Neji. He caught it and sat down next to you. "You're good," You said complimenting him. "You too (y/n)," He also said. Then there was an awkward silence. Neji wasn't very talkative. "Go out with me?" Neji suddenly asked bluntly. Is he serious? You thought. Of course he was. This is Neji we are talking about. The guy never cracks jokes. "Um ya-a su-sure," You stammered at the sudden question. "Cmon, lets go again," He said getting up. You got up as well.

Neji pinned you down and held a kunai to your throat. You put up a fight, but Neji won this battle. "All right, you got me," You grinned. He got up and got off you, but not while pulling you up, hugging you close, and kissing your cheek. You just stood there shocked, but then relaxed. You could get used to this affectionate Neji.


Gaara approached you as you were training. "Oh, hi Gaara," You said to the red head. Gaara said nothing, but his sand grabbed you and lifted you up a few feet up while slightly choking you. You struggled until Gaara said,"Go out with me or die," The sand choked you just a little bit more when he said the word die. "S-sur-re," You managed to choke out the words. His sand released you and you dropped to the ground. You rubbed your sore neck as he walked away.

You got up and sprinted towards Gaara, giving him a hug from behind. Gaara froze, but he didn't try to resist the hug. It was a start.

Rock Lee

You were taking a calm, peaceful stroll. That is until a certain jumpsuit wearing enthusiastically approached you. "(y/n)! You're youthfulness is beauty the must be appreciated!!! Please go out with me!!!" Rock Lee exclaimed handing you a bouqet of lotus flowers. "Uh-h, Lee!" You gasped in shock. "Well? Will you go out with me, my youthful lotus princess?" He asked his eyebrows wiggling with joy and delight. You smiled. You couldn't say no to the overly excited eye brow freak.

"I'd love to go out with you, Lee," You said smiling cutely. "Yosh!!!!" He screamed in joy and picked you up bridal style. "H-hey!" You protested, but he didn't listen and, in public, ran around the whole village confessing his undying love for you to everyone in the village. How you put up with him, I don't know. O_O

A/N Hello people!!! Thank you for reading my second chappy of Naruto Boyfriend Scenarios!!! It truly means a lot to an amateur writer like me! Please comment and vote cus for realsies, commenting helps me improve and only takes like a minute. Voting takes like 3 seconds! Thx! Anyways my third chappy is your first date so look forward to it! Thx again! Byeeeee~<3

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