Chapter 1

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Taehyung ran through the hallways chasing after his best friend, Jimin.
"Hahaha you'll never catch me Tae!" Jimin yelled making Taehyung growl.
"Pabo!" Tae yelled across the hall as they pushed past boys and girls. Jimin just kept laughing while he ran away from the younger. He noticed that Taehyung wasn't even chasing him. "Huh?" Jimin wondered looking behind him.
"I gotchu~" Taehyung shouted from in front of Jimin and launched himself at the smaller boy. "Ah!" Jimin screamed as they both fell to the hard floor. Everyone began laughing at the two goofballs of the school. No one ever seemed to dislike the boys but they never really took them seriously either. They were just the classic class clowns to glow up their boring days at school. The two boys looked at one another and began laughing along with the crowd.

"What is this whole ruckus over here?!" The dean of the school shouted causing everyone to silence.

"Mrs. Lee, we are truly sorry. Please forgive us." Jimin said getting up and bowing his head down to the old angry woman. Before the boys knew it they were getting dragged to the principal's office for the nth time this week. They gave up couting a long time ago because the single chance of fun would always be ruined by the school's dean. Jimin was being pulled by the ear while Taehyung was getting dragged from his hoodie.

"Ow! Ow!- Misses PLEASE! LET US GO!" Taehyung begged as he didn't want to stay in detention again with nothing to do. "And I beg for there to be peace and quiet at this school but you two aren't letting that happen." The lady responded as they reached the principal's office. "Ma'm! I don't wanna go to detention agaaain~" Jimin wailed but it only caused Mrs. Lee to infuriate more. "Shut your traps! Or I'll make sure you stay in deten forever!" She threatened making both of the boys whimper in fear.

"Ah, them again? What did they do this time?" The principal asked as he turned around to face the two boys causing all the trouble in their facility. They both had noticed two other guys were looking their way standing in front of the principal's desk. "They were goofing off in the hallway and made a whole commotion when they were playing tag." The woman emphasized, disgust in her tone. Taehyung lowered his head in shame while Jimin just sucked his teeth.

"For two boys who have no idea how the world is you sure seem to have enough time to play around. You've come to my office more times than I have left to live." Their principal exclaimed pinching the bridge of his nose. He sighed and looked back up at the boys. "Instead of bothering me in my office, go take my son and his friend out for a tour of the school. They are being transferred to my school tomorrow so give them a tour." He demanded turning his back to the window away from the two wreckless boys.

Taehyung sighed in relief holding his hand to chest. He was happy that he didn't have to stay in the office for another 3 hours of his life. Jimin just scrunches his nose and looked at the two males before them. "So which one of you is Jeon Jungkook?" He asked sounding kind of ticked off. He was. He didn't want to show the principal's son around since he didn't like the principal himself. His son probably has the same personality as him, Jimin thought.

"That would be me. Now would you kindly show us the way around the school please~" The brown haired male responded with a sweet flirty tone. Jimin scoffed and checked out his outfit. He was wearing a white plain shirt, some ripped jeans, and a pair of timberlands. How basic, Jimin thought but decided to ignore it.

"And you aaare?" Jimin tilted his head to the other who had green mint hair. "Min Yoongi." He replied casually putting his hands in this tight leather jean pockets. He wore a Gucci jacket over his black shirt and some converse to compliment the jeans making Taehyung keep looking at him.

"How about you babe?" Yoongi asked the younger causing him to blush. "I-I-I-I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." Tae stuttered finding it hard to get the words out. He never seen someone so handsome and wearing Gucci before. He always wanted to wear Gucci but he could never afford it. Jungkook kept staring at Jimin the whole time until the older noticed. "What?" Jimin snapped.

"You didn't introduce yourself~ That was kind of rude for a cutie." Jungkook snickered when he noticed the boy was blushing. "C-cutie? Ha-ha- I'm not- Whatever! I'm Park Jimin." Jimin tried to keep his composure as he knew this kid was his enemy's son. He saw the principal as enemy and he knew he had to fight back for his freedom. (Remember Vmin aren't littles they're just really childish)

"Jungkook. Yoongi. Stop it. Go with them already." Mr. Jeon instructed and the two nodded following Jimin and Taehyung. "So~ Tell us about yourselves. What are you like?" Jungkook started making Yoongi smirk. Both males had come from an all boy school so they turned out being gay but they took advantage of their looks and would flirt with any cute guys they'd find. Jungkook liked older men since he felt more dominant when he could top a hyung. While Yoongi, liked younger males because he just liked being the older one in the relationship. Both were fuckboys but they had their types and they never found their ideal one. Until, they laid their eyes on the two in front of them today.

"Look we are gay but we aren't dumb enough to give answers to the enemy. Right Taehyung?" Jimin said and Taehyung nodded. "Right!"

"Enemy? We aren't your enem-"

"This is Class 1A. That over there is Class 1B." Jimin pointed quickly hoping to get done with this fast. "Class 2A is on the second floor!" Taehyung announced going up the stairs.

Taehyung also wanted to get this over with since he was starting to get hungry.

"Okay. Okay. What's the rush?" Jungkook questioned raising his eyebrow. Jimin and and Taehyung looked at each other before looking back at them.

"I'm hungry."

"I don't like you." They both said in unison then looked at each other with a confused gaze.

"Seriously? You're hungry at 9 AM?" Jimin asked feeling bothered by his friend's response. "How can you dislike them when we just met them? We don't know if they are like our enemy!" Taehyung responded while the two other males just watched in confusion. "A-are you guys littles or something?" Yoongi asked concern in his tone.

"Littles? No! Why the heck would you think that?" Jimin snapped and glared at Yoongi. "Well you kind of are acting like one." He replied making Jimin stiffen as well as Taehyung. They looked at each other and didn't know how to respond. 

"They aren't littles or anything like that. The two boys just refuse to grow up." A random girl muttered coming from behind Yoongi and Jungkook. They both turned to face her and looked at her not knowing who she was. "Who are you?" Jungkook asked and the girl just smiled. "I'm Ji-eun... but I don't really like my name. Call me IU noona~" She answered with a small smirk. 

"Noona!" Jimin exclaimed as Taehyung launched himself at her. "Noona where have you been?" Taehyung cried rubbing his head on her arm. IU smiled at the two boys who were hugging her but her stare soon turned into a scary one.

"I heard you were called to the principal's office... again." She whispered making both boys shiver and detach themselves from her. "We are sorry noona! We were only playing around!" Jimin explained but IU just shook her head.

"Unbelievable. How many times have I heard that one?" IU sighed and then looked up at the unfamiliar boys with confused expressions. "It's a pleasure to meet you two. I apologize for any inconvenience these two caused you. You see, they have the mind of toddlers. Nothing made them like this. They just refuse to grow up since I took them in." IU explained looking at them. She sighed happily and then went up to the transfers.

"Took them in?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, they are under my care. Don't ask why. That is for them to decide to tell you." She said walking between them. "Hurt them in any type of way I will make sure you don't have a dick to stick into a hole." IU warned leaving without giving them a second glance. 

"Noona! Byeee!" Jimin waved sad that she had to leave. Taehyung held his thumb to his chin and then looked at Jimin. "Jimin. Do you know what that word noona uses all the time is?" 

"Hm? What word?" 

"You know the one she just said that she doesn't let us say."

"Oh that one~ I don't know either TaeTae. But she said to never search it up." The boys continued to discuss about the topic while they ignored the fact the two others were terrified to death by the demon they just had encountered.

"Do you think it's like- a really bad word?" Jimin asked as their conversation kept going.

"Must be. If she doesn't let us say it at all or even know what it means." Taehyung analyzed as he thought of the possibilities of what a dick was.

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