Chapter 5

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"What you wanna eat babe?" Yoongi asked as the two males made their way to the cafeteria. 

"Hyung, I don't know if we are allowed to eat right now since lunch starts in another 2 hours." Tae pouted looking down playing with his pointer fingers. Yoongi almost cooed at the sight when he heard someone call out his name.

"Mr. Min it's great to see you again!" It was the lunch lady who was waving at the mint haired boy. "You know her?" Taehyung asked, looking at the latter.

"Yeah. She used to work for my family... Until we fired her." Tae's eyes widened at his last words. "Why?"

"She was a homophobic bitch. And would always get angry every time I would go clubbing like she fucking owned me." Yoongi spat looking at her dead in the eye.

"M-Min, what's the m-matter? Don't say you didn't miss me." She chuckled nervously as Yoongi approached her. "Actually, I didn't but that's in the past. Do me a favor."

"Of course! What d-do you need?" Tae could see the forced smile on her face but decided to ignore it. The lady was around her 30's by the looks of it.

"Get my kitten something to eat. What do you want love?" Yoongi said looking at Tae with a soft smile. Tae looked at him and back at the lady who now had a face of disgust. He gulped and looked down. "N-nothing. I'm fine." He felt intimidated and he didn't want to make the lady any angrier. If she doesn't like people like him he might as well leave.

The lady sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Got a problem bitch? I can tell Kook to fire you from here too you know." Yoongi snapped and the woman just looked away before saying, "Sorry sir. But if the boy is a bit too young for you don't you think?" She muttered the last part but Yoongi heard it loud and clear.

"No he's only 2 years younger unlike you who is 35 and is thirsting over my dick like I'd ever think about fucking an old hag." Yoongi hissed and grabbed Taehyung by the waist. The younger boy's eyes widened but he was more scared of the lady who was staring daggers at him.

"Now boo choose something. Don't be shy ok?" Yoongi assured him but the boy kept looking down.

Yoongi sighed and knelt down to face Tae's droopy face. "Kitten. I'm sorry for cursing in front of you. She just made me upset. Now pick whatever you want. I want to keep that cute belly of yours." Yoongi said giving a small kiss on Tae's hand making him blush. 

"O-okay hyung. Thank you." Tae said looking up and went to pick something to eat.


"Where the frick is your 1st period anyways?" Jimin asked crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks in anger. 

"I know where it is. I'm not an idiot." Jungkook answered making Jimin's cheeks puff more.


"Yeah. I just wanted the company." Jungkook admitted while Jimin just scowled at his response. They kept walking in silence until Jimin felt more comfortable to ask what had happened at the front door of his dorm. 

"Hey J-Jungkook." Jimin said mustering up the courage to walk closer to him.

"Yes baby boy." Jungkook said without looking back at the smaller boy.

"S-stop calling me that and about w-what happened." Jimin mentally "cursed" at himself for not being able to speak clear. He could feel his cheeks heat up when the latter turned around. He had his eyebrow arched with a confused look on his face trying to understand what Jimin was leading to.

"What happened, baby?" Jungkook asked with his hands in his pockets. Jimin looked down and cupped his cheeks for a second and then back up at the younger.

"W-what was that- that thing you did to my ear?" Jimin finally blurted out as his face turned a darker shade of red. Jungkook chuckled at the blushing mess in front of him and walked closer to the boy.

"Did you like it?" Jungkook questioned with a smirk. Jimin's eyes widened and he almost lost his cool, "I asked you first! Answer your hyung!" Jimin demanded puffing his cheeks again from rage.

"Haha. Okay... hyung..." Jungkook teased as he got closer to his hyung. Jimin took a step back feeling his space being invaded by this annoying boy. 

"I licked your ear..." Jimin gulped as he felt his back against a wall already. Jungkook was only a a few inches away from him now. Every step made it more agonizing for the older male.

Why was he getting affected by this boy he hates? Why is he showing signs of weakness to his enemy? Why is he not punching him? He normally punches anyone that seems like a threat. Does he not see Jungkook as a threat? If he's not a threat then what is he?

All these questions circled through Jimin's head and before he knew it Jungkook's face was only centimeters away from his face. Jimin looked at Jungkook in the eyes, fear clearly shown. What was he gonna do?

"And then I bit it." He whispered into Jimin's ear. Jimin eyed him like it wasn't obvious. "Well duh! You idiot! But why?!" Jimin snapped pushing him off.

He hated. Hated being confused and angry. Just like before.

"Because.. I wanted to?" Jungkook answered sounding almost like a question.

"Well you can't just do whatever you want!" Jimin shouted crossing his arms over his chest.

Jungkook couldn't take his cute hyung seriously. All he could think of his how cute Jimin is when he's mad. 

"Well baby boy. Sadly, I can." Jungkook reproached. 

"And you can do whatever you want with me too, I'm all yours." Jungkook told him with his cocky smile.

"Really? So.." Jimin said getting closer to the younger. He placed his hand on Jungkook's chest which made the younger boy's eyes widen. "I can-" Jimin paused and looked at the boy.

"Do this?"

I managed to write a chapter today ooF.

leave comments or votes to make my lameass feel loved uwu and comment what you think happens next

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