Chapter 3

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"S-sex? As in the gender?" Jimin asked. His noona always told him that's what it meant but if someone were to say they wanted to have sex with him he should say no immediately. She never told him why but he knew noona had her reasons for it.

Jungkook took a second to process Jimin's answer and soon began to chuckle.

"N-no, you got that wrong baby boy." Jungkook apprised as he continued to laugh more. Jimin on the other hand, was clueless. Why is he laughing? Jimin wondered in confusion.

"What's so funny? Noona told me it was a gender thing! And she told me not to ever do it!" This made Jungkook pause and gave him a puzzled look.

"Wait... so you do know the other definition of sex?" He asked making Jimin shake his head.

"I just know to never do it. Even though I don't know what it is." Jimin answered scratching the back of his head. He felt clueless again. Why didn't IU tell him these things? He was trying to act all cold and tough next to Jungkook but he didn't know how. He barely knew what sex was.

"Do you want me to show you?"


Taehyung kept showing Yoongi around the school when they came to the library. "And here is the library. I got kicked out once because I was eating in there. Hehe~" Taehyung recounted letting out a giggle. This made Yoongi smile even more at tue boy's cuteness.

"You're troublemaker aren't you?" Yoongi implied looking at Tae as they walked into the library.

"What?! A trouble maker?" Taehyung shouted in shock.

"Ssh!" The librarian and a few others in the library gave Tae scolding looks. Yoongi chuckled as the boy's lips turned to a pout.

"Let's go somewhere else." Yoongi said wrapping his arms around the boy. (Btw, Tae is shorter than Yoongi bcuz ima hoe for the height difference and bottom tae)

"O-okay." Taehyung said, flustered by getting called out like that and now being touched by his hyung.

"Tae-kitten, what place in this school do you like the most?" Yoongi asked as they kept walking with his arm still around the younger's neck. "I like my dorm the best!" Taehyung answered as his mood changed comepletely. This made Yoongi chuckle that the boy could switch out of his moods so quickly. He was like a toddler. If you gave him candy or told him something sweet he'll be happy again.

"Oh, and why's that?" He asked trying to keep the nice atmosphere they had.

"Because, that's the one place in school were I can't get scolded! No matter what I do! There's no cameras, no deans, no angry principal- It's perfect!" Taehyung exclaimed hugging himself as he held a bright smile. Yoongi looked at the boy and an idea came to mind when he heard that.

"No cameras? Not even in the dorm hallways?" Yoongi questioned and Tae looked up to shake his head.

"Nope. It's an invasion of privacy so they don't have any." Taehyung informed him. Yoongi broke their embrace and held Tae's hands up to his chest.

"Can we go see it? I need to find my room as well." Yoongi requested while looking at into Taehyung's beautiful orbs. "Um sure!" Taehyung nodded awkwardly.


"S-show me? What do you mean?" Jimin stuttered.

"I wanna show you what it is." Jungkook clarified.

"Uh c-can't you just t-tell me?" Jimin suggested tilting his head to the side.

"Mm~ Okay. Sex is different for men and women. But sex is what makes us." Jungkook explained as Jimin payed extra attention.

"Makes us?"

"Yeah, when a women and man have sex and don't use protection we are born!" Jungkook said making hand motions as he continued.

"Didn't you ever learn that in sex class or anything?" Jungkook wondered. Jimin shook his head, "Noona never let us go." Jimin answered making Jungkook's eyes widen. "So you have no idea what it is?" Jungkook emphasized no idea while Jimin just nodded.

"Okay... ahem. Well sex is physical intercourse." Jungkook said feeling kind of awkward now that he had to explain exactly what it was to the small hyung. Jimin's big round eyes glistened with curiosity.

"So only straight people can do it?" Jimin analyzed from what he heard before.

"N-no! But so far, only they can actually have children while doing it." Jungkook lowered his voice finding this hard to do.

"Oh~ So homosexuals can do it too?" Jimin asked and Jungkook smirked nodding at the same time.

"When two guys are doing it. They involve that word you were asking before." Jungkook explained as he licked his lips. Jimin was still ignorant so he just waited for him to continue.

"A dick is also known as a penis, Jimin-ssi." Jungkook said as he glared at the boy. Jimin's face turned 10 shades of pink when he finally knew what that word meant and covered his face. "T-then why does noona not say that?" Jimin muttered under his hands. "I don't know~ But... do you still want to know what sex is?" Jungkook hummed with a cocky expression.

Despite Jimin being comepletely embarrassed he nodded since he didn't want to feel ignorant anymore.

Jungkook closed the space between them and held Jimin's chin.

"Sex is amazing. When two men are deeply attracted one another they have sex." Jungkook whispered getting closer to Jimin's face. Jimin was blushing furiously as he saw Jungkook's lips were getting closer to his own. 

"Jimin... Do you want to have sex?" Jungkook asked as his breath hit Jimin's lips.

Jimin immediately came to his senses and pushed Jungkook away from him.

"What the heck!? I just met you!" Jimin yelled turning even more red if possible. "And even if I knew you better I still would never have sex with someone like you!" Jimin exclaimed in shock that someone almost did something so dirty to wash away his innocence.

Jungkook just sat there in surprise on how Jimin reacted. No one ever had rejected him. He was always told he was oozing with sex appeal so... why didn't Jimin fall for his tactics? Jungkook was sure that someone as naive as Jimin would fall for him and let him do anything he desired. This is the first time a boy refused to have sex with him.

"Get out!" Jimin demanded pointing at the door with anger traced all over his face.

Jungkook scowled and got up. "Alright Jiminie. Maybe next time I'll have you down on your knees for me. I'm sure of it." And with that the man had left, leaving Jimin even more confused and infuriated than before.

More Taegi in the next chapter~
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