Chapter 2

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"Hey! Why do you look like all the colors left your body right now?" Jimin asked noticing the two frightened boys in front of them.

"W-who is she?" Jungkook stuttered looking at Jimin with a scared expression.

"Oh her! She already said it. It's IU noona. She's like our mommy!" Taehyung responded with an innocent smile. "More like a demon." Yoongi muttered so the boys wouldn't hear.

"Anyways back to our conversation Tae. What do you think that word means?" Jimin asked still curious on what his noona had said. Tae and Jimin kept thinking as they completely forgot they had to show the other two around. "What are you guys talking about?" Yoongi arched in eyebrow and confusion in his tone.

"We wanna know what this bad word means but noona never tells us." Jimin replied pouting.

"And what word could that be?" Jungkook smirks, interested in the topic.

"We can't say it. IU noona would be so angwy!" Taehyung shivered just the thought IU's reaction for saying such vulgar words.

"Could you spell it out then, kitten?" Yoongi asked with a half smirk.

"Um... isn't it the same?" Tae tilted his head to the side. "No cause you aren't saying it."

"Mk. It's a... D-" Tae started but froze midway.

"I-C-K" Jimin finished with a shade of red coating his entire face. The boys chuckled at their cuteness and went up to the ones they were drawn to.

"Baby, that has several meanings." Jungkook whispers into Jimin's ear. Jimin is confused at what the boy was implying but before he got the chance to speak he was interrupted.

"Let's go seperate ways. Taehyungie can show me around while Jimin shows you around k?" Yoongi offers and Jungkook nods without asking for any of the boys consent. He grabs a hold of Jimin's hand and walks off with him.

"Tae come on." Yoongi demands and Taehyung implies, "Okay!" He said while he followed his hyung as they walked quietly. Taehyung felt anxious as he didn't know what to say or do next to someone on a higher league as him.

"U-um Yoongi hyung?"


"So what is a.."

Yoongi turned around to face him and pin the younger boy against a wall. Taehyung looks at Yoongi with fear in his eyes making Yoongi smirk. "A dick is what you have down there, babe." He answered looking down at Taehyung's crotch area. "Down where, hyung?"

"Clueless are you?" Yoongi chuckled and instead of moving his gaze he moved his hand down to point at his dick. "That in there. Is a dick. All men have it." Yoongi clarified making Taehyung's eyes widen in realization. His faced turned bright red and he looked away from Yoongi's gaze.

"T-t-that's what it is?" The innocent boy stuttered as Yoongi released his grip and let the boy go. "Mhm. Now are you going to show me around?"

Taehyung snapped out of his trance and looked up at his hyung once more.

"Right! L-let's go!"


"Jungkook, where are we going?" Jimin asked mad that he didn't get a say back there.

"Just keep walking." Jungkook told him with dominance in his voice causing Jimin to feel strange.

"D-do y-you even know where you're going?" Jimin asked in a more quiet tone this time since he was kind of intimidated by the younger's tone.

"My dad owns this place. I know every inch and corner of it." Jungkook responded letting Jimin know he should just zip it. They walked for a while til they got to the dorms. More specifically, Jimin's dorm.

"H-how did you-?"

"Can we go in?"

"Um why?"

"I wanna talk with you in private." Jungkook answered.

"Oh okay." Jimin said pulling out his keys to open the door.

"Wow, nice place you got here." Jungkook said looking around in awe. For someone who is rich he sure gets impressed easily. Jimin thought.

Jimin watched as Jungkook sat down on his mattress.
"Jimin. Come here."

"Alright, what?" Jimin wondered as he sat down next to the younger male.

"How much do you know about sex?"


Sorry for the short chapter;
It's 1:26 AM here so my eyes are twiching for writing so long. Forgive me if there are aby typos.. i think imma fall asleep b4 posting thisqhdb

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