Just one more year

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*Alex's P.O.V*

My alarm clock blew off in my ear. I groaned loudly, today was the day. The day, the gates of hell would open. "Just one more year alex." I mumbled to myself. "ALLLLEEEEXXXX" I heard my mother yell. "IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL, HURRY UP OR YOU'LL BE LAAAATE." I sighed loudly "Okay mum!" I took a quick shower and picked out a blink-182 t-shirt with some black skinny jeans and some vans. I grabbed my car keys and headed down stairs. "Morning hun, breakfast is on the table." I took in the scent of breakfast and sat down and quickly ate it.

I checked my phone, 7:35. I was gonna be late. "Bye mum! I need to go, thanks for the breakfast." I grabbed my car keys and rushed out the door before she could answer. God, another year of homework and ranting. I hated the teachers there. I pulled over and parked.
I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. At least josh was there, I mean this year couldn't be that bad right?

"Hey gaskarth!"I looked over my shoulder to see josh

"Hey josh" He pat my back and we headed inside school.

We got our scheduals and checked what classes we had. Luckily me and josh had the same class together, we walked over to the room and walked in. I was sitting a few seats away from josh. We seemed to be the first ones here. After a few minutes of waiting in silence the rest of the people came in rushing and talking.

"Alright alright! quiet down." I saw the last kid come in, I never seen him before.

He was pretty cute. Tall. He was new. He stood in the door way and waited for the teacher to see him, finally he noticed him and introduced him to the class.

"Everyone! this is jack, he's new to this school." The teacher began to look around the class room.

"Gaskarth." he called out

"Yes sir?" I looked up at him.

"After class show jack around." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

He motioned jack to sit next to me. He looked at me and smiled, I looked at him and frowned and ignored him the rest of the class. I packed my bags and headed out when jack pulled on my arm. "Aren't you gonna show me around?" his voice was deep. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I walked out and he was right next to me

"At the end of the hallway to the left is the boys bathroom on each end of the hallway. Then, we've got the main office downstairs, and the lab is upstairs. There's not much to show, so yeah. That's it."

"Oh okay." I turned to see him, he looked depressed.

"Everything okay?" I asked, why did I even care? Whatever.

"No, nothing. I-I'm fine." He was a bad liar.

"Okay." I walked away and headed to my next class.God, I couldn't wait till lunch.

"Hey where's the next class?" I heard jack ask me.

"I don't know, why don't you ask someone who cares?" I walked away and left him. He stood there and bowed his head and walked away to find someone else. Soon he walked in the class room. Late. I bet no one wanted to help him, hah. I stared at him as he walked to the back of the class and sat in an empty desk. There was something different about him. When he pulled my arm, it felt...It felt weird. Like sparks, or fireworks. 

*Jack's P.O.V*

'I don't know why don't you ask someone who cares?" That's when I noticed his blink-182 shirt. Good music, but he's a jerk.

Great. Another person to hate me. Probably everyone in the school hated me. I was used to it so I didn't care. I asked some people where the next class was and they did the same as alex, till I found someone who acted the same, but they still helped me. I headed into the class and ignored alex as he stared at me. I walked to the back of the class room and sat in an empty desk. I was staring at the back of alex's head. When I pulled on his arm and he turned around, his eyes looked into mine. They were beautiful carmel brown eyes. The kind you can get lost in. And his pink lips. His hair. He was so perfect.
I snapped out of it and turned to see some guy talking to me.

"Hi, i'm josh." he laughed, I mean, I was surprised someone was talking to me.

"Hi, i'm jack."

"Yep, I know. So uhm, i'm throwing a party and everyone's invited. It's gonna be really fun. Wanna come?"

I was surprised, my first party? Maybe a new friend? Don't get your hopes up jack. I heard the voice in my head say. I ignored it.

"Yeah sure! i'd like that a lot." After talking for a bit, he gave me his adress and class ended.

It was lunch time now. Yay, I could sit alone again for another year! I checked the piece of paper josh gave me and saw that the party was today, at 5:00. I grabbed my lunch and my notebook & pen and walked into the lunch room, I scanned for an empty table and found one. I made my way to it, set my lunch down and sat down. I began to eat and doodle some things. I grabbed my headphones and plugged it into my ipod and started listening to All Small Things my Blink-182 I saw alex sitting with josh and 3 other guys. I heard people call their names. Zack, Rian, and Mikey. They were laughing. I wonder if they were jerks like alex. I don't know why the cute guys are jerks. Well, not all the time but sometimes.
Soon lunch was over and I headed to my classes. I saw alex staring at me for 2 periods and he quickly looked away, the 4th period he was staring at me again. I was getting angry, after the bell rang I walked up to him

"Okay. What do you want." I said sternly.

"W-what?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"You've been staring at me for 4 periods alex. Is there something you want to tell me or something?"

"I-I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier..." I was surprised, he seemed like he wasn't the apologising type.

"It's fine." I said and walked away quickly.

"Jack wait!" I stopped in my tracks.

"What?" I said a bit annoyed.

"You're not mad at me are you?" He looked like a sad puppy, it was adorable and annoying.

"Why do you care?" I looked at the expression on his face it looked hurt and angry.

"Whatever fucking douche."

My eyes widened. "I'm the douche? I asked you a simple fucking question and you treat me like i'm some bitch off the street. Get your facts fucking straight."

He opened his mouth to reply "Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone" I said before he could say anything else. I walked back home listening to I Miss You by Blink-182. What was he doing? First he's a jerk, then he apologizes then he acts like he did nothing wrong and asks me if im mad and acts like a jerk again. I don't get him. He was...Something I couldn't describe. 

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