Dirty little secret.

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*Jack's P.O.V*

The next day when I woke up, there was no one by my side. I frowned and sighed and lifted myself off of the bed. I checked the time and it was 7:30. I needed to get going. I picked some random clothes out of my closet and changed into them quickly, I ran to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair sloppily and rushed downstairs to see alex making breakfast, I smiled and wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed the back of his neck, he jumped a bit but then he chuckled and pecked my lips.

"Morning, how'd you sleep."

"Pretty good," I sigh

He set two plates of waffles on the table and put the syrup in the middle, we ate in awkward silence for a while.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess."

"You sure?"

"No." he sighed

I got up off my chair and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, he let out a long breath and got up

"We should get going." he said, trying to put more life into his voice. I nodded and grabbed my bag and we headed out, we decided to walk though. The school wasn't far from my house and it seemed like a nice day. I held his hand in mine and we walked.


We reached the school after a while and I saw jenna. I stood there in front of the school awkwardly. Alex pulled on my hand and we walked over to jenna. I frowned and rolled my eyes. Jenna noticed us and broke into a smile.

"Hey guys!" she started jumping up and down, it was adorable when she did that.

"H-Hey," I stuttered out

"Hey, jen." alex smiled

"It feels like I haven't talked to you guys in forever." I rested my head on alex's shoulder and held his hand tighter.

"Yeah" alex chuckled, the bell rang, the large crowd of teenagers rushed into the building. I lost alex in the swarm of teenagers rushing to their class but I saw jenna. She walked over to me, all happy.

"What class do you have next?"

"Bio." I said tiredly. I suddenly felt someone jump on my back.


"But jennaaaaa, it's upstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaairs."

"You really do need some muscle jacky." she said poking my arm. I sighed and walked up the stairs with jenna on my back.

I reached the top of the second flight of stairs and jenna hopped off, while I fell to the ground.

"You're heavier than you look." I panted

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Yes." I sighed


"How do you manage to keep a fit body but eat soo much?" I frowned, still on the floor

"Easy, I work out. Unlike some people." She said looking at me

"Whatever, help me up." she chuckled and stuck her hand out in front of me, I grabbed her and pulled her down, so she was now on top of me.

"J-Jack! what the hell I-" she then noticed our faces were inches away when she looked into my eyes, she blushed completely. She leaned in a little and that's when I remembered alex.

"J-Jenna, I-I-I c-can't." I whispered

"Shhh, it's okay jacky." she whispered back, and attached her lips to mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach, this felt so right, but it was wrong. It was wrong and I knew it, but I still let it happen. She pulled away after a few minutes and both our eyes widened

"Jack! I'm so sorry I-"

"I need to get going."

"Jack please I-"

"I need to go." I got up off the floor and walked to my class but then I felt someone tug on my sweater sleeve.

"Jack. I'm sorry. Please, forgive me. It won't happen again."

"Jenna, I really need to go."


"What?" I asked a bit irritated now

"D-Did you like it?"

I stared at her for a while, 'cause I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say. 

"Yeah." I said without thinking, and I instantly regretted it. But I kind of did like it I guess. She smiled and nodded.

"I promise I won't do it again jack, i'm sorry."

"It's fine." 

We then walk to our class in awkward silence


The day was finally coming to an end and all I could think of was the kiss and how I had to tell alex. I was hanging out with jenna the whole day today but alex didn't to mind, I think....maybe...the bell rang and the day finally ended. I grabbed my bag and walked out into the hallway, I felt someone grab my shoulder and hold me back. I turned around to see alex with a concerened expression on his face.

"What happened today?" He frowned

"I-I was hanging out with jenna, sorry."

"Oh..." he bowed his head down 

"Alex, it was nothing I swear, we're just friends."


"Alright love, lets go." He grabbed my hand and we walked out of school. I saw jenna staring at me outside and she bowed her head down in what seemed to be defeat. I felt nothing but guilt in my stomach, what the hell am I doing? I sighed as alex and I walked home.


Alex dragged me in the house and threw me on to the couch.

"Well sure alex, i'll sit on the couch." I said sarcastically, he chuckled and stuck his tongue out, he walked to the shelf and just stood there for a while.

"I hope your having fun staring at a shelf instead of kissing me." I pouted.

"I'm not staring at it silly, i'm looking for a movie for us to watch." He laughed

"Oh, okay. In that case, I have home alone."

"But jack-"

"HOME. ALONE." I yelled, thankfully my mom wasn't here yet.

"Fiiiiiiiiiine" he frowned. He put the movie on and layed down next to me, I wrapped my arms around him and took a deep breath. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, surprisingly, 

All I could think about was jenna and how she kissed me....so passionately. 

Maybe I did love her..

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