You're Impossible to Resist. Chapter One.

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Brooke's P.O.V.:

Well this is going to be a bit awkward. I thought to myself as I was packing my bags. I hadn't talked to Harry since our big fight in high school and now I was being forced to stay with him through the summer. I had no where else to stay, and staying with Harry was my last choice. My mum had planned it and happened to arrange bringing my best friend Abbi along. I was so thankful for that.

From across the room I heard my phone ring, 'Hello?' I answered. 'Hey Brooke.' I heard Abbi's comforting voice. 'Oh hey babe, you ready?' I asked her. 'Yes, and nervous. What about you?' She answered with a sound of nervessness in her voice. 'Quite nervous.' I replied, taking a huge breath. 'Well we better get going, I'll pick you up in 5.' I heard Abbi say right before she hung up.

In what felt like forever, I finally heard the door bell ring. I grabbed my bags and headed to the door. 'Hello love!' I shrieked as I saw her. I was beginning to feel excited. 'Ready to head?' She asked, checking her watch. I nodded and we got in the car.

By the time we got there I was beaming with excitement. It had been ages since I had seen Harry and I was excited to meet the other lads also. Abbi and I got out of the car and went to the door. Right as I was about to ring the door bell, Harry opened the door. 'I was going to let you ring the door, but I just couldn't wait.' He smiled and I just sat there awkwardly. He brought me in for a hug. 'How have you been Brooklyn?' He asked, using the nickname he used to use all the time. 'Lovely, and yourself?' I replied, my blue eyes stuck staring in to his. 'Great, now that you girls are here.' He said with a grin. I smiled, shivers running down my back, remembering the old times. 'An who might this be?' Harry pointed to Abbi as she smiled, her hazel eyes coming to life. 'My names Abbi.' She grinned and twirled a piece of her brown curly hair. She always got a bit shy around new people. 'Hello Abbi.' Harry smiled and shook her hand. 'Shall we go in?' Harry asked, letting us walk through the door before him. I just looked around, this place was huge. I couldn't believe we were going to be staying here all summer. 'Let me give you a tour.' Harry said with his slow voice and began taking us to every room.

And this is you girls' room. He pointed to a huge bedroom down the hallway. Harry began walking and we were stuck in awe. 'Come on.' He whispered with a laugh. We snapped back in to reality and followed him into our room. 'Here we are.' He smiled. 'It's huge!' Abbi exclaimed as she threw her bags on the floor and ran to jump on a bed. Harry laughed. 'I'll call the other lads and let you know you're here while you get settled in.' Harry said after a few moments of silence. He shut the door and left Abbi and I sitting on our beds in shock. 'This place is humongous.' I shouted to her. 'I know right!' She got up to look out the window. 'And look at this view!' She exclaimed. I peeked around her shoulder. It was very nice here in London.

After Abbi and I got unpacked, we heard a knock on our bedroom door. 'Come in.' I said in a soft voice. Harry peeked in. 'The lads are home if you want to come out and meet them.' Harry said in a deep tone. 'Be right out.' I smiled. I looked at Abbi and she was grinning from ear to ear. 'Well let's go.' I smiled as we walked out the room. We tried to make our way back to the living room, but this place was so big we got lost a few times. When we finally made it back to the living room we saw Harry and four other guys sitting on the couch. 'Oh hello loves.' Harry smiled as he turned around. 'Hi.' I waved. 'This is Brooke and Abbi.' Harry told them as he pointed to us. 'Hello girls, nice to meet you.' Liam waved. The boys stood up and came over to us. As we introduced our selves I looked over at Abbi. Her and Niall had really hit it off.

When we were through introducing ourselves we sat around and got to know each other for a bit, as it got later I had to hit the bed. 'Goodnight guys, Abbi and I are off to bed. It was nice meeting you all.' I said with a wave from the both of us. 'Goodnight babe.' Harry waved at me and i was hypnotized. When we got back to our room. I sat there on my bed thinking about Harry. I couldn't get him off my mind.

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